Last Updated on by Catherine Tobsing

Windy City Parrot was hatched in 1993. It is comprised of the following entities. – Internet Sales – Website launched 12/31/2001 

Windy City Parrot Food and Supplies and the New To You Collectibles Shop

Open 5 days a week with the best selection of bird & parrot supplies and unique finds in the Midwest.

Visit RedHeadedCatBirds on eBay

Visit SuperEZFunParts on eBay

Visit IndyCityParrot on eBay

Visit RedHeadedCatBirds on Poshmark

Visit RedHeadedCatBirds on Mercari

About the owners

Mitch Rezman Catherine Tobsing profile pictures

Catherine Tobsing is the President of Windy City Parrot, Inc. Catherine enjoyed exotic birds as a hobby for many years before becoming an avian supply vendor in 1993.

Meet Catherine on Facebook

The birth of came on the heels of reduced bird fair attendance after 9/11. Opening the Windy City Parrot Birdie Boutique on Chicago’s northwest side enabled feathered companion enthusiasts to benefit from feedback Catherine received at more than 500 avian events spanning a decade.

CBS News: Made In Chicago: Windy City Parrot

Undaunted by the total loss of her business due to a devastating fire on June 23rd, 2005, Catherine’s management ability was stretched to the limit with hundreds of orders and no inventory or computers.

Overcoming that tragedy and two moves later, Catherine oversaw fulfillment from the new compact Birdie Boutique in Chicago’s Ukrainian Village.

MightyCall: Windy City Parrot and the Value of Flexibility

When she’s not overseeing shipping she is the buyer for all the categories at except cages & stands which Mitch orders.

Catherine excels at website design. Collecting avian antique objects d’art and other interesting items are hobbies she enjoys as time allows. 

Gosolo.subkit: Simply Everything For Pet Birds – Windy City Parrot

Mitch Rezman is Vice President and General Manager. Mitch’s history of outside sales covers two tangible product sales categories over 25 years. He brings fresh marketing views to a once-cottage industry. As a managing partner in a 110-salesperson home improvement organization, and a manufacturer’s rep for 18 branded lines working through regional and national wholesale distributors, Mitch has enabled Windy City Parrot to enjoy unprecedented growth.

Mitch Rezman’s LinkedIn profile

In June 2005, the Windy City Parrot Birdie Boutique suffered a fire that took the store from us. In September 2005, the Windy City Parrot Outlet Center opened at 2007 W. Fulton St in Chicago on the Near West Loop side of Chicago

We moved to a larger facility in April 2008 but felt the space was unsustainable due to the rapid economic downturn.

Downsizing to financially fit the new economic landscape we moved to Ukrainian village in 2010 but as time dragged on we began to be “at risk”.

By 2016 we had to keep the front door locked, to stop shepherding out drunks, drug users, and shoplifters.

A new chapter began in the spring of 2019 when we picked up and moved to a new (old) live/work space in Lake County, IN ~ Read more:

Onboarding Indiana, Chapter 1 Seeking Flex Space

Onboarding Indiana Ch 2 – The Devils In The Details

Onboarding Indiana Ch 3 – Work From Home Has New Meaning

Windy City Parrot
Now at:
618 E. Commercial Ave
Lowell, IN 46356

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