Do Bird Songs Change Over Time – Here’s a Bird Song Time Machine

Do Bird Songs Change Over Time – Here’s a Bird Song Time Machine

Last Updated on by Mitch Rezman

Why Should You Care?

Bird culture is real: Songs change over time, just like slang or memes!  

Surprise twist: Even though *whole songs* vanished, the building blocks (syllables) stuck around. It’s like losing entire TikTok trends but keeping the dance moves.  

Mystery alert: Scientists still don’t know *why* songs changed so much—maybe bird “immigrants” brought new tunes, or old songs just went out of style!  

TL;DR: Bird songs are like fashion trends—old ones fade, new ones pop up, but some classic elements never die!

Bird Song Time Machine!

  • Bird karaoke: Some birds (like nightingales) learn songs from each other, just like you learn TikTok dances! These songs are passed down through generations, creating a cultural lineage of music within bird communities.
  • Why songs matter: Their tunes help them find mates, establish territory, scare off rivals, and strengthen social bonds! It’s their way of communicating vital information about their identity and intentions.
  • Old vs. new songs: Scientists recorded birds in Finland in 1986 and 2019 to see if their songs changed over 33 years. This time span allowed researchers to track how bird songs evolved across multiple generations, providing insights into cultural shifts and environmental influences.

What They Found

  1. Songs changed A LOT:
    • Zero songs from 1986 were still around in 2019. The researchers used advanced audio analysis techniques to compare the songs and found no exact matches across the two time periods.
    • It’s like your parents’ favorite 80s hits disappearing from Spotify! This suggests that bird song culture is dynamic and constantly evolving, with new songs replacing older ones over time.
  2. But some parts stayed the same:
    • Over 40% of the “song pieces” (like LEGO blocks of sound) stuck around. These “song pieces” are smaller units of sound, such as syllables or motifs, that can be combined to create different song structures.
    • Imagine keeping the same guitar riffs but making a whole new song! This indicates that while entire songs may disappear, certain elements of the songs are preserved and reused in new compositions.
  3. New birds, new rules:
    • Older birds (1986) had more song types and shorter songs. They had a larger repertoire of songs, but each song was relatively brief.
    • Newer birds (2019) sang fewer tunes but stretched them out longer. They had a smaller repertoire but sang each song for a longer duration.
    • This shift in song structure could be due to a variety of factors, such as changes in population density, habitat quality, or social interactions.

How Did They Figure This Out?

  • Bird recordings: They compared old tapes (yes, actual cassette tapes!) and new digital recordings. The researchers digitized the old cassette tapes to ensure compatibility with modern analysis tools.
  • Song detective work: They looked at thousands of bird songs and sorted them like puzzle pieces. They used specialized software to analyze the acoustic features of the songs, such as pitch, frequency, and duration.
  • Math magic: Used a “similarity score” to see how much birds copied each other (think of it like a playlist match %). This allowed them to quantify the degree of similarity between songs and track how songs changed over time.

Why Should You Care?

  • Bird culture is real: Songs change over time, just like slang or memes! This research highlights the importance of cultural transmission in shaping bird behavior and communication.
  • Surprise twist: Even though whole songs vanished, the building blocks (syllables) stuck around. It’s like losing entire TikTok trends but keeping the dance moves. This suggests that there are underlying constraints or preferences that shape the evolution of bird song, even as individual songs come and go.
  • Mystery alert: Scientists still don’t know why songs changed so much—maybe bird “immigrants” brought new tunes, or old songs just went out of style! Further research is needed to unravel the complex factors that drive the evolution of bird song culture.

Feathered Factoid

Thrush nightingales can live up to 10 years, but most don’t. So the 2019 birds are like the great-great-grandkids of the 1986 birds! This rapid generational turnover allows for significant cultural changes to occur within a relatively short period.—–TL;DR: Bird songs are like fashion trends—old ones fade, new ones pop up, but some classic elements never die!

Written by Mitch Rezman and the Windy City Parrot content team

Your Zygodactyl Footnote ~ Our own bird song or who needs an alarm clock?


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Mitch Rezman

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