Last Updated on by Mitch Rezman

In the wild silence means danger.

Ever passed a tree filled with a large flock of birds?

Typically you will hear lots of chirping and squawking.

If an aerial predator flies by like a hawk the flock will go silent.

Bells add a happy effect to the lives of birds.

They can be colorful and shiny and can make little noises or big noises.

Bells can be made into a true bell toy.

Use bells to add interest to an older toy or weave them into older toys to newer DIY toys providing an additional dimension of enrichments.

Our African ringneck Keto is not really enthralled with a toy and unless it has lots of bells.

He likes ringing the bells, hearing the bells and having the bells rung for him.

He lets them scrape the top of his feathered little head and will grab a bouquet of bells and, ringing them fiercely to make a point which we’re still not sure is about.

Chili our Quaker loves to shake up stuff as many Quakers do.

Adding a bell to the shaking toys makes them all the better.

Because Chile likes individual objects he gets two to three bells in his toybox that he can play with as he gets bored with some of the other things he maintains inventory on.

Barney our cockatiel imitates what the other two birds are doing and because they are playing with bells he likes to play with bells, so we’ve added bells on both his Playtop and inside his birdcage..

If you’re one of those whiners who complain about “my bird won’t play with his toys” try introducing some bell toys or adding bells to the disinterested toys.

Bells are one of the easiest components for bird toy making and bells will fit onto any number of materials including pear links, split links and small pieces of chain.

Fill up your bird’s cage with the addition of bells and watch for an uptick in bird toy engagement.

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