Practice Makes Perfect When It Comes to Bird Towel Restraint

Practice Makes Perfect When It Comes to Bird Towel Restraint

Last Updated on October 6, 2023 by Mitch Rezman

Mastering the art of safe and noninvasive restraint techniques for your companion bird is essential for proper grooming and emergency first aid procedures.

One of the primary lessons in our Parrot Life Seminars is a demonstration of proper towel restraint for various species of birds.


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Has Wing Clipping Damaged Your Bird’s Feet?
Close up of a Red-and-green macaw (Ara chloropterus) foot, holding the cage with its claws

Has Wing Clipping Damaged Your Bird’s Feet?

Last Updated on October 3, 2023 by Catherine Tobsing

Lately, I have been villainized, accused of being self-righteous, and generally disdained by all the people who feel clipping their bird’s wings is the right thing to do.
So I proudly wear the Scarlet (Macaw) letter “F” (for Flighted) on my chest.

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Bird Parasites, Cage Litter And The Great Wing Clipping Debate
Indian common green parrot in flight mode

Bird Parasites, Cage Litter And The Great Wing Clipping Debate

Last Updated on October 2, 2023 by Mitch Rezman

How do you know if your bird has mites? Excessive scratching could be the first clue, but that could also be attributed to dry skin. The simplest method is to take a piece of white computer paper and hold it under your bird’s main perch. Then tap, tap, tap hard on the perch with something like a wooden spoon. If you see small red dot “crawly things” on the paper, those would be mites. If you’re in doubt a visit to the vet would be in order.


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Upsides to Wing Clipping and EZ Pellet Conversion
Blue and yellow macaw parrot with clipped stretched wings on branch in bird park

Upsides to Wing Clipping and EZ Pellet Conversion

Last Updated on October 6, 2023 by Mitch Rezman

Welcome to your Sunday Birdie Brunch.
Everyone who knows me knows I am an advocate of keeping birds flighted. Strong headed as I am I realize that there are two sides to every story so I asked Denise Wamsley to provide her input on the benefits of clipping bird’s wings. Denise – you’re on. 


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