Bird Cage Lighting Questions
The weather is getting warm which causes humans to make travel plans. We love our birds, we want them to travel with us. We love our birds, we want them to experience the out-of-doors, something we regretfully deprive them of for the majority of their lives.
Your article about the bird canopy was great and taught me a lot. Now I need to know exactly what kind of artificial greenery can be used which Maisie can’t eat and, possibly, poison herself and,
Carina Writes,
I have been following your site on Facebook and receiving your emails for a few weeks now, but I’m afraid I’m going to have to opt out now. I was disturbed by your blog a few weeks back advising owners to clip parrots’ wings, but I understand that is a controversial subject.
According to author Frank Gill in his book, “Ornithology,” “The avian sense of smell has been traditionally underestimated. Most birds do have small smell centers (olfactory bulbs) in their brain; the bulb tends to be small but is well developed in some birds, especially those that fly and hunt by night.
Cape Parrot I have looked at your sizing chart and you have a very comprehensive list--with the exception of my bird--the Cape or brown-necked parrot. I have measured her at…