Birds and Parrots in the News

Birds and Parrots in the News

January 2025

Squawk: our favorite parrot stories from 2024

Heidi Fleiss Once Ran a Notorious Prostitution Ring in L.A. Now She Just Wants to Save the Birds (Exclusive)

December 2024

Judi Dench is a ‘slut,’ according to her pet parrot 

November 2024

the Barred Owl Cam

The famous TikTok parrot sets a world record by successfully identifying 12 objects

If You Think You Can Hold a Grudge, Consider the Crow – The New York Times

Meet the Wiltshire couple who take their parrots out and about

How Scientists Started to Decode Birdsong | The New Yorker

September 2024

Parrots may offer clues to how our intelligence evolved

Royal Albatross Chicks Are Scheduled For Departure

Something Strange Is Happening to The Calls of Amazon Parrots

Woman accused of stealing baby bird worth $2.4K from pet store in Oldsmar

August 2024

Nantucket Seagull Steals Man’s Wallet and All the Cash in It – PetHelpful News

Meet The Remarkable Human-Parrot Duo Swapna And Heer

A same-sex flamingo pair are raising a newborn chick together after rare feat

Pet parrot’s warning saves several families at Chooralmala

July 2024

See 12 Captivating Bird Images From the Audubon Photography Awards

June 2024

America’s Arctic: A Remote Patch of Oil-Rich Tundra That Teems with Migratory Birds

Rewilding efforts throw a lifeline to Brazil’s most trafficked endangered bird

A Tale of Two Warblers

Bird Flu Is Infecting Cats (and the Occasional Dog). Here’s What to Know. – The New York Times

Cockatoo Takes Trip to Starbucks for a Cup of Tea Like a True Regular – Parade Pets

Me & my pet: Tale of Satarupa Chatterjee and her pet birds – Telegraph India

April 2024

Millions of Birds Now Migrating Safely Through Darkened Texas Cities After Successful Lights Out Campaign

Wide-spread brain activation and reduced CSF flow during avian REM sleep

March 2024

KSRTC bus conductor charges ₹444 for parrots ‘travelling’ from Bengaluru To Mysore. Here’s why | Trending – Hindustan Times

Watch Pet Parrots Learn to Play Tablet Games—With Their Tongues | Smart News| Smithsonian Magazine

I potty-trained my pet pigeon — now I treat her to NYC’s finest restaurants, cool parties and Uber rides

February 2024

What parrots can teach us about human intelligence?

These Parrots Use Their Beaks to Swing Across Branches Like Monkeys

January 2024

Dear Abby: We take our parrot everywhere but don’t want to hear others’ sad bird stories –

December 2023

Little Bird Loves to Knock Everything Off the Counter

Polly Wants a Cracker, but She Wants to Make It Easier to Chew

November 2023

Affectionate Parrot Repeatedly Distracts Her Human From Working

Male vs Female Macaws: 4 Key Differences – A-Z Animals

These American birds and dozens more will be renamed, to remove human monikers

Watch This Cheeky Squirrel Taunt a Huge Red-Tailed Hawk

Group plans to rename Cooper’s Hawk and dozens of other birds with names of people

Parrots learn to call their feathered friends on video chat

October 2023

Have you seen this bird bandit? Police search for man with parrots in McDonald’s robbery

Texas red-crowned parrots: Something unusual was just discovered about them

September 2023

Nebraska man recovering after being hit by deer while bicycling with his pet parrot near Fort Kearny

Man complains after ‘therapy parrot’ turned away from McDonald’s

Friends with benefits? These birds make strategic connections to get better food


August 2023

Jodie McLeod ~ Writer

Avian Anatomy and Physiology Basics – LafeberVet

July 2023 

Sun Conure Pet Guide: The 10 Most Important Things to Know About These Lovable Birds

Bengal to soon impose ban on keeping Indian bird species as pets | Zee Business

Bird Week: What to know about companion birds – 5 Eyewitness News

Parrot Tells Mom She Missed Her After Vacation and It’s So Touching – Parade Pets

Federal Register :: Extension of Temporary Suspension of Dogs Entering the United States From Countries With a High Risk of Rabies

13 cool Indian ringneck facts

Discover 10 Amazing Birds That Start With H – AZ Animals

The Devastating Effects of Fireworks on Pets and Wildlife | The MIT Press Reader

This Eagle Shocked Everyone ❤ – YouTube

Conure Corner – Niblet’s Blog

The big idea: why colour is in the eye of the beholder | Neuroscience | The Guardian

About TOPS Organic Parrot Food

June 2023

Exploring the Mind of the Raven and the Bird’s Role in Human Culture and Evolution | New American Journal

Patient parrot waits – Offbeat –

 Explore all Status and Trends species – eBird Science

“You have arrived at the only place on the web that aggregates news stories specifically for pet bird companions.”

My Personally Vetted List of Pets, Animals and Corona Virus Information

Added April 2023
This is the world’s most luxurious veterinary clinic | MY PET CANDY
Added March 2023

Woman Choosing Pet Parrot Over Stepdaughter’s Wedding Praised: ‘I Love Her’

Wild parrots flocking over San Diego County

Winged messengers: how first-class pigeons help police keep Indians safe

‘Special Powers’ of the Rare and Elusive Night Parrot Finally Revealed

Parrots fly high with opium in Madhya Pradesh, force farmers to go for net change – India Today

The Sustainability of Keeping Birds as Pets: Should Any Be Kept? – PMC

How do parrots say human words without lips?

How Much Weight Can a Hawk Carry? Answer Will Surprise You!

Added February 2023

Parakeet’s song ‘saves’ Turkish family from earthquake

Cockatoos can not only use tools, they can carry whole toolkits to trickier jobs, study shows

Parrot dances along to lullaby

Added January 2023

Bizarre Creature From China Had a Dinosaur Head on Bird’s Body – a Missing Link From 120 Million Years Ago

Woman Sees A Guy Feeding Some Birds — Then Realizes Something’s Off

Security footage captures pet parrot scare away NYE robbers with frightening shrieks

You’re only here for the parrots, fans chant as birds swarm Leyton Orient pitch

Cockatoo Who ‘Fell in Love’ with Repairman Has the Best Reaction to Meeting His Family

Parrot’s Cute Reaction to a Paper Towel Roll Is a Breath of Fresh Air

Added the week of 12/18/2022

Rosellas are Canberra’s own festive flash mob

Zebra finches might sing to synchronize their breeding with each other

Added the week of 12/11/2022

How to Tell a Raven From a Crow

Woman details close-up encounter with Red-tailed Hawk in Santee

Added the week of 11/20/2022

World’s heaviest flying bird uses plants to self-medicate, scientists say

Dog Mom and Her Puppy Befriend Magpie Bird Abandoned by His Parents: ‘People Were Shocked’

Added the week of 11/6/2022


Added the week of 10/30/2022

Crows Perform Yet Another Skill Once Thought Distinctively Human

80-year-old parrot eats tzatziki and serves alcohol to tourists in Crete island (video)

Added the week of 10/23/2022

Penguin feathers may be secret to effective anti-icing technology

Added the week of 10/9/2022

They Praying Parrot Prayer(Windy City Parrot welcomes all faiths)

New Report Shows Loss of More Than One Million Acres of Sagebrush Habitat Every Year

Added the week of 10/2/2022

Why it’s perfectly normal to see baby puffins thrown off cliffs in Iceland each year

Human-created noise has affected bird populations

Added the week of 09/25/2022

Rescuers flock together to save 275 parrots stranded by Ian

Ian brought rain and winds but also birds unique to this area

Why it’s perfectly normal to see baby puffins thrown off cliffs in Iceland each year

Added the week of 09/11/2022

The Quiet Victory of Chicago’s Monk Parakeets

New Berlin ‘bird guy’ puts new parrot on his bike after famous Barney the Biking Bird died

Added the week of 09/04/2022

Australians and Wild Cockatoos Are in an Arms Race Over Garbage. Here’s Why

Bird Neurons Use Three Times Less Glucose Than Mammalian Neurons

Added the week of 08/28/2022

A 20-year-old bald eagle named Clark was spotted waiting in the TSA checkpoint line just like the rest of us

Added the week of 07/24/2022

How Arizona Wilderness DTPHX Became a Bird-Friendly Beer Garden

Osprey family of birds grab unexpected attention at World Championships in Eugene, Oregon

Added the week of 07/17/2022

Flying my parrot is a reason to go out

Extraordinary Design Allows Tripedal Locomotion in Parrots

Birds could all end up with large beaks and indistinct plumage – as climate change threatens to wipe out species with more ‘extreme’ features

What’s the Biggest Bird in the World?

Added the week of 07/10/2022

Quiz: Name that bird! Can you match these beautiful birds with their correct names?

Eagles a plenty: Birds of prey employed by the Open to scare away problem seagulls

Move over, Tony Robbins — this parrot is the best motivational speaker

Added the week of 06/26/2022

Perching behavior of hawks suggests ways to improve perching by drones

Kangaroo ran loose in Baton Rouge area after parrot set it free; owners will have to give it up

Hotter temperatures may force common birds away

Added the week of 06/12/2022

Scientists Found an Animal That Walks on Three Limbs. It’s a Parrot.

Added the week of 05/29/2022

The Greatest Singer on Earth Is a Double-Yellow Headed Amazon Parrot

Added the week of 05/15/2022

Newly Discovered Prehistoric Bird Fossil Sheds Light on Avian Evolution

Virginia’s bald eagles thriving at a never before seen level after pesticides ban.

New island emerges off New Jersey coast, and endangered birds are flocking to it

Why do parrots live so long?

Added the week of 05/08/2022

Study: Vegetarian Weaver Birds are More Sociable than Their Insect-Eating Counterparts

Experiments hint at why bird nests are so sturdy

Owl Whose Own Eggs Didn’t Hatch Adopts Two Orphaned Owlets

Added the week of 04/24/2022

Making them beg! Cockatoo shows dogs who is boss as he feeds them treats in comic moment

Pet duck helps deputies discover body of NC woman; couple charged

Europe’s First Rare Black Hornbill Chicks Hatched for 2 Years!

Added the week of 04/10/2022

Five Incredible Ways Birds Change Their Bodies for Spring and Fall Migration

Why do parrots live so long? – Big Think

Added the week of 03/20/2022

Venice tourists given water pistols to fire at aggressive seagulls

Parrots aren’t natural Minnesota residents, and maybe we’re OK with that

Recurrent chromosome reshuffling and the evolution of neo-sex chromosomes in parrots

Parrots, Drugs and Fugitives Among Items Encountered By Area CBP Officers This Week

Added the week of 03/13/2022

Dodo DNA discovery could lead to revival of extinct bird

Smart Raspberry Pi Bird Feeder Logs Avian Guests

Meet the Peterborough parrot with a penchant for pizza

Why do flocks of birds swoop and swirl together in the sky? A biologist explains the science of murmurations

New Jersey police dispatch animal control to rescue stray parrot which… wasn’t that.

Added the week of 02/27/2022

Bird Feeders Are Good for Some Species—But Possibly Bad for Others

Added the week of 02/20/2022

Syrian pet vendors in hardship as demand wanes

‘The Birds Outsmarted Us’: Magpies Work Together To Give Scientists The Slip

Added the week of 02/13/2022

A giant bird is on the loose in Franklin County

Added the week of 02/06/2022

An Arctic bird ended up in Acton. Is climate change to blame? – The Boston Globe

Watch a clever cockatoo named Figaro play “golf” for a tasty reward

Watch parrot steal family’s GoPro and film flight

Added the week of 01/30/2022

Perfectly preserved egg reveals what birds have inherited from dinosaurs

Added the week of 01/16/2022

COVID-infected hamsters in pet shop trigger animal cull in Hong Kong

Added the week of 01/09/2022

Bald Eagles on Cedar Lake (IN)

A snowy owl was fitted with a GPS transmitter in 2020 near Waupun. Thanks to that technology, we know that the bird returned to Wisconsin.

A Short Guide to Birding

Added the week of 01/03/2022

Why It Took So Long to Appreciate Female Birds’ Songs

Swooping, nesting, preening: Australian birds in the wild – in pictures | Art and design | The Guardian

Added the week of 12/12/2021

Warm-bodied ties between mammals and birds more ancient than previously recognized

Bird songs bump stars off Australian music chart – BBC News

Added the week of 12/5/2021

The Case for Pigeon-Watching

Flying Bird Bot Uses Its Falcon-Like Legs to Land on Stuff

Added the week of 11/29/2021

Smart parrots need more stimulation, new research finds

Added the week of 11/21/2021

Cockatoo snatches away toy from cat, starts playing with it. Watch hilarious video

Man Shocked By Surprise Visit From World’s Most Dangerous Bird

Why It Took So Long to Appreciate Female Birds’ Songs

Added the week of 11/14/2021

Birds In The Amazon Rainforest Are Shrinking As Temperatures Rise

How do cuckoos trick other birds?

Added the week of 11/7/2021

First Lady inaugurates Chandigarh Bird Park

Endangered $3,800 macaw stolen from St .Pete pet shop found safe, suspect arrested

A nest of rare barn owls was found in western Wisconsin after a two-decade hiatus

Added the week of 10/31/2021

From cats to birds, these minimal animal sculptures have been created from strips of coiled metal!

2 California condors reproduced asexually, scientists say — a first recorded for that species

Half-Blind Rescued Cockatiel Wants to Be Friends With Everyone She Meets


Inti Tanager: Colorful New Species of Bird Discovered in South America

Added the week of 10/23/2021

Can YOU spot the bird hiding among the pebbles on this beach?

Added the week of 10/17/2021
Photos: Parrots dwell in a huge nest

Cockatiels’ Singing Skills Confirmed As They Mimic Human Whistles In Perfect Harmony

Could Hong Kong’s Fugitive Cockatoos Save the Species?

To Help a Rare Brazilian Parrot, Start With a Crossbow and Rappelling Beekeepers

Home tweet home: how an illustrator captured the intricacy of bird nests

Bougainville Birds Provide A 100-Year Baseline For Biodiversity : Short Wave


You don’t need a PhD to tune into birds. Just open your ears to the soundtrack of your neighbourhood | Erin Lennox

World’s most dangerous bird raised by humans 18,000 years ago, study suggests

Cockatiel Plays Peekaboo with a Nest of Baby Birds

Added the week of 9/19/2021

Parrot Hilariously Asks Alexa to Add Pulled Pork to Shopping List

Brilliant Bruce the Disabled Parrot Uses Pebbles to Clean Himself With Broken Beak—Something Never Before Observed

Hundreds Of Dead Migratory Birds In New York City Prompt Calls For Dimming Lights

Has an Aussie cyclist finally found the way to stop magpies attacking riders?

researchers say they’ve cracked Darwin’s pigeon ‘enigma’

Griffi the Dancing Cockatoo, locked in a cage for 5 years, turns a new feather on life

Watch These Cockatiels Sing Without Missing a Single Beat

Parrots swoop in for Angela Merkel’s swan song

Added the week of 9/12/2021

Merlin Bird ID – Free, instant bird identification help and guide for thousands of birds – Identify the birds you see

Birds are developing larger beaks to cope with climate change

Added the week of 9/5/2021

A little bird told me: how a magpie taught me I could be a father

Australian ducks can learn to swear and will call you a ‘bloody fool’ if you’re not careful

Fossils of Giant Carnivorous Birds Found in Argentina | Paleontology

Why is the color blue so rare in nature?

Added the week of 8/29/2021

This Adorable Bird Named Mushroom Has TikTok All A-Flutter with His Singing Talents

Searching for Bird Life in a Former ‘Ocean of Forest’

Did you know birds use tools? Did you know some birds make their own tools?! | First Dog on the Moon

Roadrunner Blocked by U.S. Border Wall Wins Best Bird Photo of 2021

Added the week of 8/22/2021

How to avoid getting swooped by a magpie this spring

Why Heat Waves Amplified by Climate Change Are a Big Problem for Baby Birds

Parrot Found At Waterloo Station Won’t Stop Making Tube Announcements

Face-mask may prompt a magpie attack, expert warns

Bird migration Indiana: How it works, and why Indiana is a hot spot

Giant centipedes devour sea birds on this unique island

Female hummingbirds look like males to avoid attacks, study suggests

Added the week of 8/15/2021

Curious Owls Surprise Bird Lover with ‘Amazing’ Visit During Her First Night in New Home

Guess who’s coming to dinner? Roadkill placed on ‘sky tables’ to lure rare birds of prey

Biologists say ‘Love Island’ filming not to blame for distressed birds

Dozens of exotic birds looking for loving homes at Palm Beach Parrot and Bird Rescue


Fledgling Birds Don’t Need to Be ‘Rescued’ Lifehacker

Added the week of 8/8/2021

A bird by any other name would sound as sweet

Petition to Ban All Interstate Transport of Wildlife Would Cripple US Hunters, Conservation

What We Are Reading Today: Naturalized Parrots of the World by Stephen Pruett-Jones

Added the week of 8/1/2021

Goose flying upside down is simply showing off, say experts

Unraveling a Mystery: Bird Brains Left Other Dinosaurs Behind

Added the week of 7/25/2021

The 2021 Audubon Photography Awards: Winners and Honorable Mentions | Audubon

Amazingly Preserved Bird Fossils Reveal Links to Dinosaurs

Study Says Quantum Physics Drives Bird Migration Patterns

Vanishing: Song for the Bobolink

Dog and Lovebird Parrot Friends: Mango and Bella |

Some birds observed stealing hair from living mammals

From exhaustion to asphalt burns, Minnesota’s birds feel the heat

Added 7/21/2021
Rare pink water bird lands in Michigan, delighting public

Added 7/13/2021
Birds Aren’t Real’ Movement Takes Flight in US: All You Need to Know

Added 7/13/2021
Outcry over plans for Sussex holiday village next to rare bird habitat

Added 7/12/2021
A Full, Detailed Tutorial on How to Photograph Birds and Wildlife

Added 7/10/2021
Why it matters that climate change is shrinking birds

Added 7/6/2021
United Uses Basic Approach To Remove Birds From A Hawaii Flight

Added 7/1/2021
Grameenphone sued for using indigenous bird in ad

Added  6/27/2021
Hubert the hummingbird is a serial feeder bully in Hayward

Added 6/25/2021
Animals can navigate by starlight. Here’s how we know.

Added 6/25/2021
Source of a Weird Quantum Sense Found in an Actual Migratory Bird For The First Time

Added 6/23/2021
Free flying passion ~ Birdkeeper Syimir Safawi speaks to the Sun on raising parrots with freedom in mind

Added 6/22/2021
Colourful new Australians move in to New Plymouth zoo

Added 6/16/2021
Heartwarming! Video of man and bird eating food from same plate goes viral – WATCH

Added 6/7/2021
How Feral Peacocks Stay Alive in Urban Neighborhoods

Added 6/2/2021
Mario Andretti Is Trying to Teach His Parrot to Swear

Added 6/1/2021
Are San Jose finches protecting their nest or evicting the children?

Added 6/1/2021
These birds are susceptible to speed-based magic tricks — but not several others that regularly fool humans

Added 5/28/2021
Bird brain! Alpine parrot may have fled to the mountains to avoid people, study says

Added 5/27/2021
Little birds destroying window screens in San Jose neighborhood

Added 5/26/2021

Added 5/8/2021
Juliet, the last wild macaw in Rio, is lonely and looking for her Romeo

Added 5/6/2021
Where to find parrots in Minecraft?

Added 5/3/2021
Parrot Trapped On Roof Keeps Telling Fire Crew To ‘F*** Off’

… Bird Poop Everywhere!!!

Added 4/28/2021
Lovebirds Adore Our Inefficient Air-Conditioning

Added 4/29/2021
The Frogmouth Is Instagram’s Most Photogenic Bird, German Researchers Say

Added 4/28/2021
The Parakeets of London

Added 4/27/2021
Budgie in the crowsnest! Stowaway bird is found clinging on for dear life on fisheries protection vessel 25 MILES out

Added 4/20/2021
Birds by the Billions: A Guide to Spring’s Avian Parade

Added 4/17/2021
Importance of Salt (Sodium Chloride) in Bird Food

Added 4/15/2021
Owner gets more than just her pet parrot after lost bird was found at Anakeesta

Added 4/1/2021
Bird Feeders sickening both birds and People in Washington and Oregon

Added 3/29/2021
These ancient Americans mummified parrots. No one knows why

Added 3/25/2021
New study finds birds give people as much happiness as money

Crisp-loving Norfolk parrot flies again after diet

The Wonder Gardens hosts Parrots and Parasols event to celebrate birds, more

Added 3/4/2021
Playing dead really works to help insects avoid being eaten by birds

Added 2/25/2021
Rare bird: ‘Half-male, half-female’ cardinal snapped in Pennsylvania

Added 2/15/2021
High-altitude birds evolved thicker ‘jackets’

Added 2/12/2021

Added 02/07/21
Red Feathers on Grey Parrots

Added 02/06/2021
Stunning Images of Starlings in Flight

Added 02/04/2021
Snowy owl seen in Central Park after 130 years, a rare spotting of an ‘unpredictable’ Arctic bird

Added 01/24/21
Learning To Love Bird Photography, Thanks To A ‘Competitive Collaboration’

Added 01/22/21
Will dormant oil harm flocking birds? Ask an expert

Added 01/22/21
Natural Lowcountry: Iconic bird may be the coast’s canary, tracking effect of plastics

Added 01/21/2021
Enormous pigeon-eating catfish wreaking havoc on Europe’s ecosystems (Nat-Geo)

Added 01/20/2021
Singing Parrot Tackles Guns N’ Roses, Van Halen + More Rock Songs

Added 01/19/2021
10 Fun Facts About the American Robin

Added 01/16/21
Cities Can Help Migrating Birds on Their Way By Planting More Trees and Turning Lights Off at Night

Added 12/29/2021
This African Gray Parrot Is the First Animal To Ever Ask an Existential Question

Zoo Jobs ~ Curator of Birds

Clever Cockatiel Performs an Adorable Array of Tricks

Mass die-off of birds in south-western US ’caused by starvation’

Meet The Birds Of The “Twelve Days Of Christmas” (courtesy: Harold S.)

Birds to take to the skies in competition in Pattaya

Florida bird caught on video swallowing whole alligator

Who needs scissors? Pet parrot cuts opens packets with her beak – and then adds the shredded pieces to her plumage

This Unusual Bird Superpower Goes Back to the Dinosaur Extinction

Fossil Remains of Peculiar Bird With Large Bill Provide Glimpse of Avian Diversity in Dinosaur Era

Pueblo Indian blanket dating back 800 years was made out of 11,500 turkey feathers plucked while the birds were still alive, archaeologists say


‘Gentle’ Gorilla Assists Injured Bird Caught in Zoo Enclosure During ‘Awesome’ Animal Moment


Philadelphia Sees Largest Mass Collision Event in the City in 70 Years

What Biden’s Presidential Win Means for Birds and the Environment

‘Parrot, Meet Gorilla’: African Grey Parrot and Gorillas Introduced at Zoo Atlanta ~ video

Birds of a feather do flock together

Bird invasion headed to Northeast Ohio

Kākāpō, the world’s fattest parrot, named New Zealand’s bird of the year for 2020

A Carrier Pigeon’s Military Message Was Delivered a Century Too Late

Las Vegas bans feeding birds, other animals at city parks

App allows city-dwellers to turn citizen scientists and track Australia’s urban birds

Birds’ genetic secrets revealed in global DNA study

Added 10/28/2020
Guy Built A Bird Feeder That Accepts Bottle Caps For Food, And These Wild Magpies Love It.

Added 10/27/2020
Eye size predicts where birds breed and feed

Added 10/26/2020
Scientists Reveal What May Be the Largest Flying Bird Ever

Added 10/20/2020 ~ published 10/2/20
Meet famed nature writer Helen Macdonald – and her pet parrot

added 10/17/2020
Take action now to reduce risk of avian flu

added 10/16/2020

added 10/13/2020
Bearded vulture: Mystery of bird’s UK appearance solved

added 10/13/2020
‘Jet fighter’ godwit breaks world record for non-stop bird flight

added 10/7/2020 (Published 7/5/2020)
Florida man trapped alone with hundreds of parrots

This rare bird is male on one side and female on the other

Toothless dino’s lost digits point to spread of parrot-like species

Cockatiel Practices His Opera Scales in a Lovely Voice

Many Big-Brained Birds Have Human-Like Lifespans—but Why?

Parrot Plumage Color May Be Linked To Body Size And Climate

First Fossil Feather Ever Found Belonged to This Dinosaur

Happy Cockatiel Sings With Veggies on His Little Head

Foul-Mouthed Parrots to Return to Park, Possibly Reformed

On the coast of Chile, bird nests show the scars of plastic pollution

1/9/2020 (added here 9/29/2020)
It’s not just humans and apes who help each other. Parrots do too.

Parrots in wildlife park moved after swearing at visitors

Rehoming pigeon: kererū returns to hatchery 24 years after flying the coop

Do Birds Have A Subjective Reality? A New Experiment Suggests So

3/20/2020 (added here 9/25/2020).
Most bird feed contains troublesome weed seeds.

These birds communicate by fluttering their feathers—and they have different accents

Brazil training paused after parrot lands on player Benites’ head

AWS warns of parvovirus outbreak, half their dog patients infected

These parrots developed new dialects in captivity. Can their wild kin understand them?

3/20/2020 (added here 9/17/20)

Most wild bird feed contains troublesome weed seeds: Bird feed mixtures may be helping to spread troublesome weeds that threaten agricultural crops


FEELING BLUE ‘Tropical bird’ spotted in car park turns out to be seagull dyed BLUE

Talking parrot becomes very demanding in the morning

These comedy wildlife photos will bring a tear to your eyes!

Singing parrot shocks wildlife park guests, Facebook users with Beyoncé rendition

Chrissy Teigen Introduces Her Family’s ‘Fabulous New Friends’ — Pet Birds Jasmine and Aladdin!

Federal government considers lifting ban on importing parrots 25 years after it was introduced

Parrot is in training to become an interior decorator 


Birds are keeping me sane in lockdown. When this is over, we must do more to protect them | Suzy Freeman-Greene

PHOTOS: Skywatch Bird Rescue

Lobbyist Ron Book threatens man over the alleged kidnapping of parrot.

How To Tame A Parrot In Minecraft And Get Them To Sit On Your Shoulder?

Celebrate National Pet Bird Day on September 17

Birds Flyin’ High

Even pigeon wings are astonishingly beautiful under UV light

Pet birds allowed on Taipei MRT (subway) from Sept. 1



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Mitch Rezman

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