“Flying South” Bird Travel Carrier
"Flying South" Bird Travel Carrier

“Flying South” Bird Travel Carrier

Last Updated on by Mitch Rezman

 This product is no longer available as of 9/12/2010
Just to share a cautionary story, I have had several of these carriers but they do wear out. Last week, the large zipper opened while we were out and my parrot inside dropped 180 degrees backwards and upside down. No harm done but for those who are on a bike in traffic or have noticed some wear on these zippers, a couple large safety pins or some other reinforcement is my recommendation.
Kind regards,
Suzanne and “Errol”
Hi Suzanne thanks for the update
We are certainly not surprised. We stopped selling the Flying South Carrier around 2008 When distribution became an issue. One of the inherent problems with the carrier was the cover made of cotton-based Canvas. 
Birds are obviously messy. If you washed the cover you had to know or learn to put the cover on while it was wet so can drive over the cage and still fit otherwise it would shrink it was almost impossible to get on after the first washing.
Kudos to you for maintaining this piece of equipment so long but alas even zippers can obviously wear out
That said we encourage people to inspect Not only the carriers but all the toys, perches and accessories and birds cage on a daily basis for pitfalls that could possibly lead to injury. Birds are inquisitive and smart but they don’t always realize the potential danger of say a piece of wood that has been split into a sharp point.
Thank you for the update – we have publicized your comment to make others aware of his potential safety issue
Mitch Rezman
General Manager
Windy City Parrot

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Mitch Rezman

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