How to Save Big Money on Air Filters for Your Home and Birds

How to Save Big Money on Air Filters for Your Home and Birds

Last Updated on by Mitch Rezman

We’ve posted this first video of how to make a DIY air filter that’s as effective as a commercial $800 HEPA air filtration unit.

The video was made by not some guy in a garage but by Dr. Jeffrey E. Terrell, director of the Michigan Sinus Center

Due to the very sensitive nature of the avian respiratory system, providing a clean air environment is essential for raising the quality of life for your birds and, of course, all the humans in your home.

Recap of the video

– Airborne allergens can cause symptoms, and you can reduce the amount of airborne allergens in your house by using filtration systems.
– Filtration systems can range from $100 to $800 for high-end systems.
– High-end systems, like the $800 system from Ann Arbor Vacuum, can filter virtually every particle out of the air.
– HEPA filters are incredibly effective and can scrub the air from about 400,000 particles per cubic foot down to zero particles per cubic foot.
– A $25 to $30 system with a MERV 13 filter can filter 90% of .3-micron particles out of the air, making it a more affordable option for filtering the air in a bedroom or other areas of the house.

As a FREE BONUS, we do have a “guy in a garage making DIY air purifiers while expanding on the good doctor’s video, video.”

Recap of the video

– Learn how to build a Coursey Rosenthal filter box with legs.
– The Corsi Rosenthal box can be made with either 4 or 5 20-inch filters.
– The total cost of this unit is about 100 dollars with a six-pack of Merv 14 filters.
– The sound test showed that on high, the unit produces about 76 decibels and 66 on low.
– Buying a more robust fan will help to test out even more designs with this filter box.

Let’s take a deep dive into how avian lungs work, MUCH different than mammals btw.

Ironically, crocodile lungs operate in a similar manner ~ Mother Nature has such a great sense of humor

– Avian lungs extract more oxygen from the air, enabling birds to fly at high altitudes
– Air sacs in avian lungs act like bellows to maintain a continuous flow of air through the lungs
– Avian lungs are made up of Kara bronchi and gas exchange surface, and allow air to move through the respiratory system without expelling it from the body
– The avian respiratory system creates a unidirectional flow of air, making the lungs more efficient in oxygenation
– Cross-current blood flow in the para bronchi of avian lungs increases the rate of diffusion of oxygen into the blood

What Makes Birds’ Lungs So Sensitive?

Birds are fascinating creatures that have evolved unique adaptations to survive and thrive in the air.

One of their most remarkable adaptations is their respiratory system, which enables them to extract oxygen from the air efficiently and stay aloft for long periods of time.

Unlike mammals, birds have a highly efficient and sensitive lung system that allows them to breathe easily at high altitudes and in harsh environmental conditions. In this article, we will explore the amazing characteristics that make birds’ lungs so sensitive and efficient.

The Anatomy of Birds’ Lungs:

Birds’ lungs are highly specialized organs that differ from mammalian lungs in many ways. Unlike mammals, birds have a unidirectional airflow system in their lungs, which means that air flows through their lungs in only one direction. This system enables them to extract oxygen from the air more efficiently and use it for metabolic activities. The structure of birds’ lungs is also different from mammals, with small air sacs extending from the lungs and connecting to other parts of their body.

The Function of Air Sacs in Birds’ Respiratory System:

Birds have a unique respiratory system that includes not only lungs but also air sacs that extend from their lungs to different parts of their body. These air sacs act like bellows, helping to move air through the lungs in a continuous flow.

The air sacs also play a critical role in cooling down the bird’s body temperature during flight, which can rise due to the high metabolic rate required for flight.

How Birds Extract Oxygen from the Air:

Birds’ lungs have tiny air sacs that allow them to extract oxygen more efficiently from the air.

These air sacs are highly sensitive to changes in air pressure and temperature, enabling birds to breathe more efficiently in high-altitude environments.

The bird’s respiratory system also includes a series of one-way valves that prevent the mixing of oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor air.

This ensures that oxygen-rich air always reaches the lungs and is available for metabolic activities.

The Importance of Efficient Respiration in Flight:

Birds require a high amount of energy to fly, and efficient respiration is crucial for their survival.

Their highly efficient respiratory system enables them to extract oxygen from the air more efficiently and maintain the energy levels required for flight.

Additionally, birds’ lungs also play a crucial role in regulating their body temperature, which can rise quickly during flight.

The Sensitivity of Birds’ Lungs to Toxins and Pollutants:

Birds’ lungs are highly sensitive to toxins and pollutants in the air, which can lead to respiratory diseases and even death. Air pollution and other environmental factors can cause significant damage to birds’ respiratory systems, making them vulnerable to respiratory infections and other health issues.

This highlights the importance of preserving and protecting the environment to ensure the survival of birds and other wildlife.

Can Birds’ Lungs Teach Us Something About Human Respiration?

The unique characteristics of birds’ lungs have inspired scientists to explore their potential applications in human medicine. For example, researchers have studied the potential use of bird-inspired airflow systems for artificial respiration devices. 

In summation

– The avian respiratory system is the most efficient in the animal kingdom.
– Birds require a large and constant supply of oxygen to maintain flight.
– Birds lack a muscular diaphragm for respiration and rely on ribcage expansion.
– The avian respiratory system includes nine large air sacs that aid in gas exchange.
– All of the air sacs participate in the respiratory process in a one-way flow, producing the most efficient respiratory system of any vertebrate.

Written & approved by the Windy City Parrot content team.

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Mitch Rezman

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