Is a Fruit and Vegetable Diet Enough for my BF Amazon?

Is a Fruit and Vegetable Diet Enough for my BF Amazon?

Last Updated on by Mitch Rezman

Jan H is worried about her Blue Front Amazon’s diet and relates,


Willie is doing fine on a variety of fresh fruit and veggies, plus Harrison’s Adult Lifetime pellets and Higgins Safflower Gold for Parrots. Should I change or add anything?


Dear Jan

As they say, don’t fix what works. If your bird is healthy on its current diet, stick with it. The only change I would recommend is instead of Fruits and Vegetables, it should be Vegetables and Fruit.


Meaning more veggies, less fruit, especially the super sweet ones, and little to no citrus which includes tomatoes.


Otherwise, it sounds wonderful. Keep it up.


What a wonderful picture of you and your sweet Willie.


Thank you

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Mitch Rezman

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