Is It OK to Take My Parrot Camping in our Large RV?

Is It OK to Take My Parrot Camping in our Large RV?

Last Updated on by Catherine Tobsing

Barry asks,

I’m wondering if any of your readers have ever brought their parrot camping in a large camper & their thoughts on the subject. 

Our parrot would be in a large cage (not as large as the one in the house though) as well as a playpen.

Our parrot is a very easy-going bird and has been in our family since he was 1 1/2 (he is now 25).

Thank you for any thoughts/suggestions.  

Catherine replied

Dear Barry

Short answer to a long story, “Your parrot just wants to be with you and your family.” So, yes, bring your bird. Secure the cage and the stand and all should be fine.

One important rule to follow – if the camper door is to be opened, the bird needs to be locked in the birdcage first.

We have traveled with birds for over 20 years. I am sending this now so you are not waiting. 

More than likely I or my husband Mitch will chime in on our experiences with traveling with a parrot soon.

I recommend that you leave the new cage and stand and a foldable carrier (you will need one to get your bird in and out of the camper safely) by your bird’s current cage, stand or in the family room so he can check them out.

Traveling with your parrot will be great, but there are some nuances to make it go smoothly.

Catherine & Mitch


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Mitch Rezman

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. My scarlet, Kula, loves road trips. She gets tons of attention at rest stops and eats it up.

  2. We took our birds RV camping in Maine for about 8 years. We built a camp on the lot but we still take them with us every trip (its tough finding a baby sitter for 4 birds). We have been making the trip for about 17 years. They love it up there. They each have a private window to watch the forest animals and the river that flows by. We used to put the birds in the truck or car with us for fear of what might happen if they were in the trailer and we were involved in an accident. A piece of advice from other s experience we have read about; don’t put the birds in the camper with a dog, no matter how much you trust him.

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