Rules for winning gift certificates from Windy City Parrot

Last Updated on by Mitch Rezman

Yes we really mean easy

Simply place an order – ANY SIZE order – between
6/1/2010 and 6/30/2010 and you ‘re entered to
Win 1 of 4 $25 Gift Certificates

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January 2010

Barb – Three Rivers, California – $100.00

February 2010

Heidi – Leominster, California – $100.00

March 2010

Kathy – Naperville, Illinois – $25.00
Caroline – Richmond, Virginia – $25.00
Diane – Arlington, Virginia – $25.00
Joe – Madison, Wisconsin – $25.00

April & May TBA

Hey I though it was illegal to make someone buy something to enter a contest.?It is – so anyone can come into the Birdie Boutique and fill out an entry form or mail your name and address to us without purchasing anything*.

What if I already placed my order?

You’ve been entered if your order was placed after 11:00 EST 5/1/2010

If I don’t win, will you have other contests?

Yes – we plan to hold a contest EVERY MONTH for the foreseeable future. EVERY order you place is a chance to win

Do I have to fill out a form?

Nope – Just check out of WindyCityParrot– when you see your “Order Number” you will have been entered.

What if I place a $2.00 order for in store pick up – so my order total will only be $2.00?

You’ll be entered – NO MINIMUM ORDER is required

What if place more than one order?

You’ll have more than one chance at winning

What if my “Bill to” email address is different than my “Ship to” email address?

Winners will be contacted by their “Bill to” email address or the “Ship to” if it’s the same as the “Bill to”

If I win, when will I be contacted?

No later than 5/15/2010

Is the gift certificate only good at


How will I receive the gift certificate?

Via email

How long is the gift certificate good for?

1 Year

Will the win be made public and published on social sites like Twitter& Facebook?

Yes – but we will only use your first name, what you ordered & your “Bill to” state

What if I make a purchase in the Birdie Boutique?

Just fill out an entry form

What if I cancel my order

You will no longer be entered

Can I win twice?


How will you chose the winner?

We’ll load up our order fulfillment software with orders for the month and scroll through all of them.

One person will scroll. Another person will have their back to screen.

When the person who has their back to the screen says stop, the winner will be chosen.

*Those who filled out forms in the Birdie Boutique will be manually entered into the order system as having placed $0.00 orders

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