A Better Bird Ep 16 Taking In 3 More Rescue Budgies Brings Our Flock to 11 Birds – Video

A Better Bird Ep 16 Taking In 3 More Rescue Budgies Brings Our Flock to 11 Birds – Video

Last Updated on by Mitch Rezman

One of the challenges of keeping nine budgies in a single aviary is identification.

So here are some notes that we made to help even ourselves keep everyone straight.

Bacon is a large blue budgie, close to 60 g but the only parakeet in the cage with white wingtips

Eggs eggs has a solid blue chest which contrasts with her white tummy feathers.

Toast is mostly white with some blue coming through her back.

Jam has beautiful yellow and green feathers

Biscuit is simply a very large yellow parakeet.

Gravy gravy has white wings and violet in her back.

Chicken has yellow on her forehead because chickens are yellow so that was easy and she is surely related to waffles because they have the same wing markings.

Waffles is Chicken without the yellow forehead.

Bagel is probably a juvenile we’re guessing because of her size.


Bagel was a solitary budgie in a small cage.


She had come to the person we got her from who received the bird through birdmonitors.net/.


The intake is mostly wild migratory birds but occasionally end up with a domestic pet bird.

We had been planning to rescue chicken and waffles for the past few weeks but had to put that plan on hold because of our African ringneck rescue approximately three weeks prior to the writing of this blog post.

Driving to Columbus and back in about 24 hours was a chore in and of itself.

Once we brought keto, into our home we had to get him situated.

This meant repurposing the Prevue F040 birdcage that we had originally intended for our budgies.

Once we got Keto situated in his own cage we were able to assemble and fully equip a new Prevue F050 birdcage aviary to accommodate our current and future budgies.

Circling back to the rescue of chicken and waffles, we were able to schedule a handoff during a Tuesday afternoon in the parking lot of Niles Animal Hospital, home of Dr Pete Sakas, one of the most respective avian veterinarians we know of.

About one hour prior to the designated handoff time and place we received an email from a valued customer who had volunteered to foster a budgie but felt she had made an impulsive decision which proved to be wrong for her.

We connected via phone and plan to acquire her foster budgie directly after acquiring waffles and chicken in the Niles Animal Hospital parking lot.

I got to Niles Animal Hospital at 2:17 p.m. CST.

Our contact with the two rescue budgies showed up about 120 seconds later.

After some brief banter, we took the two budgies that were in a cardboard box that had more than enough holes into our car and then exchanged a carton full of broken bags and recently out-of-date bird food products that would be most welcome by this particular rescue.

30 minutes later I was parked in front of Barbara G’s apartment and was able to ride the elevator with her.

Some of the beakfast runch budgies getting set for the night

We spent a few minutes discussing a new acquisition that she had named Star (that we change to Bagel) and found ourselves descending the elevator with the third budgie of the day in a small travel carrier that I had brought for the occasion.

After saying our tearful goodbyes we parted company and I was on my way home with three new budgies, that were welcome additions to the new large aviary we had constructed during the previous weekend.


Fast-forward two days.

Catherine and I both agree it was best that 3 budgies entered the aviary together rather than Bagel comin in solo being a juvenile “runt” if you will.

It’s a little thing but she’s clearly being accepted into her new flock.

Written by Mitch Rezman
Approved by Catherine Tobsing

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Mitch Rezman

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