Animal Hoarding Information
Animal Hoarding Information

Animal Hoarding Information

Last Updated on by Mitch Rezman

Animal Hoarding Information by Annie Hoarding Hello pet lovers!

I’m a researcher for the series Confessions: Animal Hoarding, currently airing on Animal Planet that tells the stories of people overwhelmed by the number of pets they own.
The problem is on the rise and affects communities across America.

Most animal hoarders don’t see themselves as hoarders, and sometimes don’t intentionally collect animals.

Most of these situations aren’t dealt with until they become criminal.

This results in animals being euthanized by over-stressed shelters, and doesn’t address the underlying psychological issues – meaning nearly 100% of people end up in the same situation again.

We are dedicated to finding comprehensive long-term solutions and believe therapy to be key to this.

We can bring in experts to help.

If you or someone you know needs help because animals have overrun their life, visit to learn more and submit their story.

Alternatively, email [email protected] or toll-free at 1 -877-698-7387.

We will treat all submissions with confidentiality and respect. Please share this info with your communities, we want to get the word out across the USA and Canada and help as many people as we can. Thanks!

Author Profile

Mitch Rezman

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