Last Updated on by Catherine Tobsing
Too Many Sunflower Seeds in Volkman Ecky
Susan G writes
Hi Mitch and Catherine.
I have been feeding my Eclectus Volkman seed for Eclectus for a long time.
Seems in the last year the bags are half full of sunflower seeds.
I reached out to the company and they said they would look into it but needed numbers off the bag.
Didn’t save the bag but told them I could order a small one to get numbers.
Haven’t heard back.
Told them I would have to switch seeds, not paying that price for sunflower seeds!
I live in the Florida Keys so we have to order everything for parrots.
Just wanted to know if you have noticed a change, too many sunflower seeds in their brand. Thanks, Susan.
Dear Susan
I looked at the bags we have in stock and they do show the large white and grey striped seeds in the bag.
Upon turning the bag over, I don’t see a lot.
But then the large lightweight seeds do tend to float to the top.
I really don’t know of any changes in their formula over the past year.
Do you order the vitamin-free Eclectus seed mix due to concerns about your Ecky having issues with vitamins, etc?
Dietary issues won’t make them ill, what happens is they might start toe-tapping or other twitching if they are sensitive to vitamin supplementation.
If this occurs, reversing the behavior can be done with diet.
If you have never had this issue you may like to consider another mix, one with less or without sunflower seeds.
If you like the Volkman Eclectus Mix (it is pretty nice), then consider adding a bag of the Volkman Hookbill to it which is Safflower Seed based and that may do the trick.
If this idea sounds good, but you have concerns about the vitamins, Volkman’s has the Safflower Seeds available alone without supplementation here.
I hope this helps.
Catherine, I did hear back from Volkman.
They said they have not changed the mixture but due to some lightweight sunflower seed, there could have been more.
I just thought that a quart-size zip lock full of sunflower seeds was too much for a 3-pound bag.
Yes, we all listen TOO MUCH to online stuff about Eclectus and added vitamins.
Never had a problem with the boys.
I’ll just keep doing what I do and not worry about added vitamins, unless we start to have a problem.
I did add some other seeds to the Volkmans I do let them have sunflower seeds but not a half cup!
I love your Sunday e-mail. Grandma always said everything in moderation. Thanks, Susan
Dear Susan
Sounds like you did all the right things.
Yes, just watch the Eckys for odd behaviors. If nothing, then all is good.
Our rescued African Ringneck will eat anything we feed him, but yes, if the mix has a lot of sunflower seeds he will pick them out first.
He does fine with safflower seeds so he gets mainly those types of mixes like Higgins Safflower Gold unless we have an odd bag for him.
As long as he is eating.
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1 Jun 2023I have a Electus that I’ve been using Volkman Eclectus seeds. The bags coming in now are loaded with sunflower seeds. It’s not that the seeds are lighter in weight. They are just as big as they have always been. I always mis the bag up before using. Two bags in a row now are just loaded with sunflower seeds. I think, there are some ingredients missing that use to be in the mix and now they are adding sunflower seeds to make up on weight.
I’m done with Volkman.
Catherine Tobsing
1 Jun 2023Dear LuckyEc
That is news to us so I just went and grabbed a 4 lb sealed bag of Volkman Super Eclectus food off the shelf. This bag is marked 23023. They use the Julian Calendar so this bag was produced/packed on the 23rd day of 2023. (1/23/2023). I am examining the bag and it doesn’t appear to be heavy in sunflower seeds. I note that the sunflower seeds are the large black and white striped ones and they typically will float to the top and appear like there are more than expected. Mixing up the bag will help redistribute them so each serving is similar.
If you feel your batch has a disproportionate amount of sunflower seeds then please, reach out to Volkman directly with your concerns. They can be reached by phone at 800-635-9359. Please have the Julian date from your bag ready when you call so they can look into the production date for any issues. I found the date on the back of the bag imprinted just above the zip closure band.