Your Bird Won’t Let You Touch It – What to Do?
We love our birds.
We love looking at our birds.
But some of us have birds that are unapproachable.
If we put our hand in the cage, the bird backs up.
We love our birds.
We love looking at our birds.
But some of us have birds that are unapproachable.
If we put our hand in the cage, the bird backs up.
If you’ve had a parrot for any length of time you’ve heard the name Sally Blanchard. She is providing in depth information and incredibly talented artwork for more than 30 years. she’s been a regular contributor to Bird Talk magazine since 1988. (more…)
A parrot joke about Jesus
A burglar broke into a house one night. He shined his flashlight around, looking for valuables when a voice in the dark said,
‘Jesus knows you’re here.’