Our Tribute To Birds In The Military

Our Tribute To Birds In The Military

“You might be speaking German if it wasn’t for pigeons”
Originally published May 22, 2013
This post has been re-edited many times and fresh content related to pigeons was added on 5/22/18 which can be found below.
An addendum was added on 5/14/19 with a brief overview of other animals in the military.
Pigeons have been used to communicate over distances since the time of Julius Caesar.
The Persians (now Iran), and even the Greeks used homing pigeons to “broadcast” news about who won the Olympics.

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Unraveling the Mysteries of Avian Neophobia: A Tale of Feathers and Fears

Dive into the enigmatic world of avian neophobia (Neophobia is the fear of new things), exploring the intricacies of parrot psychology and the art of introducing novelties to our feathered companions, all narrated with a twist of humor and creativity.

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