We’re Bringing Home an Abused African Grey – Can You Help?

We’re Bringing Home an Abused African Grey – Can You Help?

Hi, we’re thinking of bringing home an African Grey, we would be her third home. Her first was abusive, and she was a plucker. She is permanently bald on her belly. We think she is about 15 years old.

She has been in her current home for many years and does not pluck anymore. I was wondering if you had any advice for what she might need just in regards to being bald. We do keep our home cool in the winter (about 65) will she need one of those panel heaters? Can I knit her a sweater? lol


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Is Tea a Magic Potion for Your Bird? Should You Be Using It?
Is Tea a Magic Potion for Your Bird? Should You Be Using It?

Is Tea a Magic Potion for Your Bird? Should You Be Using It?

Hello Mitch:

Love your birdie brunch and have learned much from it.

Do you know whether or not it’s harmful to give a budgie green tea? Don’t know if you heard of the lady with the 26-year old budgie who claimed he was so long-lived because they shared a cup of green tea every day.


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Feather Plucking Parrots – a Questionnaire to Help Work Through the Problem

Feather Plucking Parrots – a Questionnaire to Help Work Through the Problem

As you can imagine we get a lot of calls and emails about feather plucking problems. Because of this, we are the only website on the Internet to have a comprehensive feather plucking category that contains products that we know (based upon feedback from our 70,000 plus customers) are helpful in the reduction and/or the elimination of feather plucking. Many of the emails are quite detailed. Others will ask nothing more than “My bird is plucking what can I do”?


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