Exploring Indian Ringnecks

Exploring Indian Ringnecks

Indian ringnecks aka Rose-winged parrots

Editors note: Approximately 20% of parrots are sexually dimorphic meaning sex can be determined by color. Male Eclectus parrots are green, female Eclectus are red (with good reason)

Male budgies generally have a blue cere and female’s, a brown cere. Male Indian ringnecks are the ones with the rings.

Lisa L. G

So I have some questions about IRN’s.

Now all the research I read says NOT to train them for a year as they need this time to get to know their new flock (me, the dogs, and my husband). he took to me right off the bat. My hubby, he is leery of.. like runs away. Have any tips for them to connect?


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