Getting Your Bird to Play With Bird Toys

Getting Your Bird to Play With Bird Toys

Last Updated on by Mitch Rezman

How many times do you get a new toy for your bird, stick it in the birdcage close the door, and then go and work on your computer or watch television? 
Then you wonder why your bird chewed your television remote or the wire to your mouse?

Introducing a new bird toy into your bird’s cage is no guarantee that he or she will engage it. To complicate this people will introduce new items into the birdcage when they get home from work as the sun is going down. 
The problem with introducing new items in the birdcages around sundown is the shadows that can be thrown which may scare the birds or the birds may become phobic over these new items.

That said as a general rule before you introduce anything new into your birdcage is to bring it to your bird’s attention.

Find All Windy City Parrot Bird Toys Here 

Hold up in front of him or her in a high childlike voice tell him how wonderful it’s going to be playing with this new toy and you go ahead and play with it as well. By doing this you are showing your bird that this is your toy and by you playing with it they might like playing with it too.
By not spending a couple of minutes showing your bird how important this toy is, they’re just going to want to play with the toys that you are playing with – your computer keyboard and your TV remote.

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Mitch Rezman

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