Help ~ I Have a Greenwing Macaw Who is Almost 30 Years Old!

Help ~ I Have a Greenwing Macaw Who is Almost 30 Years Old!

Last Updated on by Mitch Rezman

Sherry S. writes:

HELP! I have a Greenwing Macaw who is almost 30 years old.  He has been with me since he was 2 years old. I have been told Greenwings regurgitate more than other breeds.

It seems he is especially bad this year and it’s been going on for months.

His routine is to eat, wait a few minutes, and then toss it all up.


He will then proceed to eat it throughout the day.


He does this a few times a day and our house smells like a drunk tank after a busy night.


I’m at a loss. He isn’t losing weight and is very healthy. Is this ‘normal’ behavior?


Thank you in advance,


A frustrated mom

Hi Sherry,


It also could be a courting ritual or your Greenwing may be sick.


When parrots regurgitate it comes from their crop, not their stomach.


Thus you will have a slimy or mushy consistency and contain a few drops of liquid.


The bird will bob its head and arched its neck so that the food produces was never digested.


This is why it’s important to know the difference between regurgitation and vomiting.


Vomiting is an indication your parrot is sick.


Look for digested food in and around the cage or check your bird’s head for stuck feathers and hardened food.


When a bird vomits it will shotgun the stomach contents all over the place whereas regurgitation is a more “precise” projection than vomiting.


Vomiting can indicate anything from parasitic infections to heart kidney or liver disease, diabetes, accidental poisoning, and even stress caused by a change in their environment.


Your bird won’t show signs of being sick from simply regurgitating.


re: I have been told Greenwings regurgitate more than other breeds.


All species of birds regurgitate, it’s a necessary function to feed their young.


I will advocate for a vet visit to rule out illness before we talk about hormones.


Stay safe



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