Island Fruit Treat Stick for Bourke’s parakeets
Higgins Versele-Laga Sunburst Treat Stick Large Parrots - Island Fruit

Island Fruit Treat Stick for Bourke’s parakeets

Last Updated on by Mitch Rezman

Dear Windy City Parrot,

Overall, I was happy with the order. My only concern is the treat sticks I redeemed my points for are made for large hookbills and we have Bourke’s parakeets.

If memory serves me correctly they were listed under the small birds section. Are these safe to give to our ‘keets? You may also want to check and see what section they are listed under. As always, love the customer service and follow-up!



Dear Amy 

I am back in the office and able to answer your question now. 

The treat stick. Island Fruit. 

It is indeed for larger birds and I checked and it is not shown in any categories for small birds. 

More than likely you clicked on a link to it from another treat and it took you to it, but it was not in a small bird category. The listing description states for medium to large birds as does the packaging for the treat stick.

 Yes, it is safe for your Bourke’s parakeets, but they may not eat all the pieces, you can smash it up for them and feed in a dish, they will enjoy picking out the bits they can, or you can give the stick to a friend with a larger bird. 

We will look at the titles for the sticks and see if we can add bird size to it to help those who click on it without reading the listing. 

Thank you for the heads up and the review. 

Catherine Tobsing
Windy City Parrot Birdie Boutique

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