Short Circuit From Love to Attack Behavior With My Rainbow Lory Recently

Short Circuit From Love to Attack Behavior With My Rainbow Lory Recently

Last Updated on by Mitch Rezman

Connie S wrote:

I looked at the anatomy of a bird’s brain that you had in a recent email.

I would like to know more about the portion that says: Short Circuit from love to attack behavior!

That is happening with my rainbow lory recently.

He is 18 years old and has suddenly started attacking my hand when I reach to have him climb on my finger.

Otherwise, he hangs out with me with no problem – when I’m sitting in a chair or lying on the bed.

blue crowned lorikeets


He was always a bit ornery. But, this has happened twice now and it was really violent.


I am assuming he is afraid of something but, I don’t know what. Is there a book you would recommend?


Or should I call and speak with someone there? Thank you so much!!!


Hi Connie and thanks for reaching out to Windy  City Parrot for help.


At age 18, sudden onset aggression can be the result of a medical issue causing him pain, so have a check-up with your vet.


chattering lory


But first, look at the area of your home where you were attacked.


Has ANYTHING changed?


A new picture added, wallpaper, new hygiene products you are using, jewelry, unusual nail polish?


ANYTHING that has changed could be causing him to see “danger colors” I once had my nails done in an OPI brand iridescent nail polish.


My sweet tame conure became attack conure until I removed it later the same day ($50 down the drain on that manicure) but that was the cause because she was seeing colors not visible to the human eye.


Any change in the home causing fear should be changed back.

dusky lory eating bug

One lady placed a big red op-art painting opposite her bird’s cage.


The bird freaked out and became mean until she removed the painting to another part of the home.


It may help resolve the aggression by looking into habitat changes that could be causing fear.

blue streaked lory


Connie S wrote:


Oh my! Thank you soooo much for that information.


Yes. Everything is changed in his environment, actually.


His cage has been moved to another room.


So, I will have to check on a few things.


Thank you again!!!



See Our Lory Category Here


Change can be a good thing, but too much too fast can be scary.


Perhaps change a thing or two back, see how he reacts, if he is still aggressive then do a few more changes back.


Moving a cage can be a great move, but stressful if he doesn’t like the new placement.


You probably know few birds accept new toys right away, so imagine changing his whole world in one day.


Please keep us posted because we love to hear how our advice works for parrot parents. 


2 black capped lorikeets eating fruit


Approved by Catherine Tobsing
Approved by Mitch Rezman

Your Zygodactyl Footnote


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