What Would Be a Good Perch for My 2 Amazon Parrots?

What Would Be a Good Perch for My 2 Amazon Parrots?

Last Updated on by Mitch Rezman

Deborah F. is looking to get new perches for my blue fronted amazon male and orange wing amazon female… they like to sit on the same perch during their out time ..which is most of the day.

Would this perch (small) or the same one in medium be strong enough to hold them both?


Coffee Tree Perch Natural Y by Prevue 9″ Small 

Right now they have a medium Polly sand perch with no coating on it and it holds them just fine.

It’s a plastic perch with a sand coating it.


It’s on their door that I leave open when they’re having out time.


They sit on the top of their cage too but fav spot is the perch on their door. 

Coffee Tree Perch Natural Y by Prevue 12" Medium

My boy really didn’t like to be groomed.. so when he was younger, I used those in the food area but now he’s a little better since having the girl bird that he tolerates it so I want to get rid of the manicuring perches.


Thank you so much for the info.  I’ll keep checking the site for replacement perches.


Thank you for your input!


Dear Deborah

You painted quite the picture of your two birds sitting on the core of a Polly’s pedicure perch. Birds want to sit where they want. Can I ask, is that perch in a high-up spot in the cage?

Because most likely that is why they like it so much.


Does the Plethora of Parrot Perches Produce Puzzlement? Learn Perches & Placement Now!

However, if you replace the sandy/pedicure perch with another, please put it lower and in the front or side of the cage to discourage them from spending too much time on it.


It can be hard on their feet. Contributing to blisters, calluses, bumblefoot, and arthritis.


Now, to get them a new place to sit together, that you can put in the same place as the old Polly’s one now.

The Coffee Tree Natural Y perches by Prevue are good choices.


Birdcage perches
the ultimate video guide to materials, sizing & placement

The 9″ perches may be a little short for 2 Amazons, but they would be strong enough.


The Medium size Java Perch is 12″ long and would be better. 


Give me a call if you need help placing an order.




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Mitch Rezman

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