We’re Bringing Home an Abused African Grey – Can You Help?

We’re Bringing Home an Abused African Grey – Can You Help?

Hi, we’re thinking of bringing home an African Grey, we would be her third home. Her first was abusive, and she was a plucker. She is permanently bald on her belly. We think she is about 15 years old.

She has been in her current home for many years and does not pluck anymore. I was wondering if you had any advice for what she might need just in regards to being bald. We do keep our home cool in the winter (about 65) will she need one of those panel heaters? Can I knit her a sweater? lol


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Check Out  Farming Parrots in Their Gardens

Check Out Farming Parrots in Their Gardens

– are they the real macaws?

Generally speaking, the answer is ‘No, parrots do not make good “Intentional” farmers as they destroy more than they build. Ironically that mess on your floor which was clean 15 minutes ago is an example of nature’s way of using birds as agents to spread seeds throughout the earth. As an example, birds do not have receptors for capsaicin, the protein that makes peppers hot, so birds will still eat the peppers and disperse the seeds. You and I on the other hand will need to drink lots of beer to put out the mouth fire.

Before moving forward I’d like to note that what you are about to read is a digital collaboration between me and Nora – unbeknownst to her as I write this but she will be making the final edits on this post. The original title was “Grow a Garden for Your Parrot” but clearly, there is a difference between what men think about parrots and farming and what women think about growing stuff for parrots


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Holy Crap, My Budgie’s Toe Is Gushing Blood And Nothing Is Stopping It!

Holy Crap, My Budgie’s Toe Is Gushing Blood And Nothing Is Stopping It!

How to Deal With Nail Bleeding Emergencies and Other Minor Foot Bleeding Accidents

Hi, I’m Nora Caterino.

Some of you may know me from other parrot-related websites from my pasts, but for you of those to whom I am new, I have over 25 years of small and medium parrot experience.

I began as the ‘owner’ of a single tame parakeet and eventually became a parrot parent and web and magazine published expert.


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What’s Your Opinion on DIY Birdie Pedicures?

What’s Your Opinion on DIY Birdie Pedicures?

The Eastern Rosella above has very long nails while sitting on an undersized perch. In the not-too-distant future the nails on the front toes can irritate and/or puncture the rear toes causing sores known as “bumblefoot” possibly leading to a foot infection.
From last week’s Birdie Brunch table 19 writes – Hi WCP folks,

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Does a Bird’s Molt Affect It’s Flight?

Does a Bird’s Molt Affect It’s Flight?

 Hi Mitch,

You were kind enough to answer a question I had ages ago, so I hope you will again.
I have a 6 yr old double yellow Amazon. I got him when he was four months old. I have never clipped his wings and he is used to flying all over my house, shadowing me everywhere. This year he is molting but he is losing feathers strangely.

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Birds, Light and Vitamin Deficiency Misconceptions
Galah bird Cockatoo sitting on a pinnacle in the pinnacles desert Western Australia.

Birds, Light and Vitamin Deficiency Misconceptions


I am a bird lover and have a few pairs of budgies, cockatiels, finches, Love birds and Alexender Raw.

Due to space issues, I have all in one room where Sunlight comes only for a few minutes. I think due to lack of sunlight, my birds have a deficiency of D3 and Calcium. Could you please guide me if Hagon’s PRIME will work for me or if I have to add any other vitamins?

Waiting for your response,




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Birds and Full Spectrum Lighting
Birds and Full Spectrum Lighting

Birds and Full Spectrum Lighting

Attn. Mitch Rezman
Fluorescent lights.
The recent post here on Vit. D led me to more research. It appears most if not all of the Windy City Full Spectrum lights have simple magnetic ballasts, producing visible flicker. 
This is proven for chickens and assumed for the likely better eyes of psitticines with their mainly flying lifestyle. High frequency electronic ballasts are now standard for indoor fluorescents where human health is a consideration as the high frequency flicker is far faster than our visual system can perceive. 


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This Cockatiel Gets a Bird Cage Makeover

This Cockatiel Gets a Bird Cage Makeover

Today we put a new Parrot Cup Cover in Popcorn’s cage as it popped into my head a bit ago that perhaps her repeated bacterial infections might be resulting from her pooping into her water.
We do not see her do it inside the cage, but we now see she tends to sit on top of the cage which is right above her water dish.
So a cover for the water was on my “birdie wish list”. I had thought about a water bottle but maybe later. This looked like a good start. (more…)

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Is Newspaper Print Safe for My Bird?

Is Newspaper Print Safe for My Bird?

Is Newspaper Print Safe for My Bird?
We loving your Sunday morning birdie brunches. Wonderful info, but I do have a question about one of the suggestions.
I have a “teil”. Is it really SAFE to put newspaper on TOP of the grate???
My Merlin would chew the newspaper and maybe eat it. But if it’s safe, this sounds like a great idea.
Also, if I put his food dish on the newspaper, then won’t I wind up with poop in the dish? Thanks for all your info and a great website.
Linda W 


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How Bird Food was Sold More than a Century Ago

How Bird Food was Sold More than a Century Ago

This catalog from the Max Geisler Bird Co. is clearly pre-1900. The picture is interesting on the cover the little girl offering a parrot of no discernible species would appear to be a cookie or a cracker with the term “Human Talker” above the couple.

How can you argue with the power of magic when it comes to feeding your bird? This food claims to work for any bird well or sick and improve its feathers and voice. It was appropriate for all seed-eating birds – according to the label.


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