Bird Cage Bar Spacing & Perch Diameter
Parrot inside a wardrobe with the door destroyed

Bird Cage Bar Spacing & Perch Diameter

Windy City Parrot recommends
the following birdcage bar spacing and perch diameters.

Every website has recommended cage sizes. We can’t recommend what size cage to buy. We don’t know your needs. We don’t know how much room you have. We don’t know how much social time your bird experiences.

You may have many small birds you seek to house together. Our point? Choose the size cage that’s right for you and your bird. Just make sure the bar spacing is appropriate.


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Avian Respiratory System

Avian Respiratory System


Birds possess a very unique and efficient respiratory system. They lack a diaphragm, have non-expandable lungs and a system of air sacs that extend into many of their bones. Vocalization is by means of a syrinx, not a larynx as in mammals.

The nostrils or nares are usually located at the base of the beak. In psittacines (parrots) they are located within the area of the cere. Amazons have a structure known as an operculum inside the nare which helps prevent inhalation of foreign bodies. In most birds, the nares are readily visible, while in certain birds-such as crows-they are covered by feathers.


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Appropriate Types of Perches for Bird Cages

It’s OK for a perch to be a little smaller or larger in diameter. Basically don’t install a perch too large that a bird’s foot can’t grab comfortably (except for manicure perches) and may cause a bird to fall. Conversely, too small a diameter may allow a bird’s foot to wrap all the way around and cause pain or injury to its own foot.

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Alpha Male Macaw Tip
Blue and yellow macaw parrot with clipped stretched wings on branch in bird park

Alpha Male Macaw Tip Helpful Hint: Alpha Male Macaw Solution

A Greenwing Macaw owner and a very good customer were in the shop the other night. We got to talking about the “intimidation factor” of big birds. The man’s children are adults but are not comfortable around his Macaw named Mac.

He and his wife got the bird at 5 months old and have had Mac for about a year and a half.


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What Makes Pretty Bird Food Different?

What Makes Pretty Bird Food Different?

What Makes Pretty Bird, Bird Food Different? -Youth

Pretty Bird International Inc. Is a young, modern, fast-growing company. After four years of development, Pretty Bird’s first products were introduced in 1990. In a few short years, Pretty Bird has grown to be a leader in the field of exotic pet nutrition. Pretty Bird was founded by Michael Massie with the goal of providing the best possible foods for your companion animals. Unencumbered by history, Pretty Bird has taken a fresh approach to nutrition and applied new ideas and technology to solve old problems in unique ways.


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What Is Wrought Iron? Why Are Bird Cages Made From It?
African Gray Parrot sits on cage and looks down. Playful and affectionate bird able to talk. loving and friendly social companion bird. stunning dusty-gray color and looks quite similar to a pigeon

What Is Wrought Iron? Why Are Bird Cages Made From It?

 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Wrought iron is a very pure form of commercial iron, having a very small carbon content. It is tough, malleable, ductile and can be easily welded. However, it is too soft to make blades and swords. When formed into bars, it is known as “bar iron”. Wrought iron has been used for thousands of years, and represents the “iron” that is referred to throughout history.


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