How Many Conure Species Are There? You’d Be Amazed!
Green Cheek Conure perched on a branch

How Many Conure Species Are There? You’d Be Amazed!

Argentina Conure
Austral Conure
Azara’s Conure
Aztec Conure
Azuero Conure
Berlepsch’s Conure
Black-capped Conure
Black-hooded Conure
Black-masked Conure
Blaze-winged Conure
Blood-eared Conure
Blue-chested Conure
Blue-crowned Conure
Blue-throated Conure
Brazilian Grey-breasted Conure
Brown-breasted Conure
Brown-throated Conure (more…)

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What You Might Not Know About Bird Lungs

What You Might Not Know About Bird Lungs

& How They Make Your Bird 1st Cousin To A Crocodile

Last week we chatted about a macaw and the demise of its human lungs. It’s unfortunate but sometimes we are more concerned with our bird’s health than random human beings and I get that so let’s spin 180° and talk about respiratory issues that our birds may have, 

First a Popcorn update – this is what you look for in a vet:


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The Distinction Between an Avian Veterinarian and a Vet That Will “See Birds”

The Distinction Between an Avian Veterinarian and a Vet That Will “See Birds”

Pop quiz: it’s 7 o’clock on Saturday night and your pet has a veterinary emergency – what is the number you’re going to call?
Let’s start by setting aside the myth that all veterinarians can deal with every species of animal found on Noah’s Ark. Let’s talk about the path to becoming an “avian” vet.
Your new or soon-to-be, avian veterinarian’s learning emphasis will initially be on domestic animals (mammals), dogs, cats, cows, horses, and so forth but if they want to learn exotics they have to elect to take additional courses.

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Help – My Sun Conure Screams Loudly When He Cannot See Me

Help – My Sun Conure Screams Loudly When He Cannot See Me

Photograph courtesy of jmbead

from “comments” in a recent order confirmation email:

he is less than a year old and screams loudly when he cannot see me. I am hoping the calm herb will be effective when my neighbors are home. Or just gives me a break when i need it. I took him to my moms for christmas and she was not happy about the loudness. 🙁

desta baldwin – Order number: WCP-89743 Order Date: 1/15/2016

Hi Desta

I’ve got a couple of ideas but need a bit more info

what kind of bird ? – how do we know it’s a he? – flighted or clipped? – did mom yell “shut up” at the bird? – could you send a pic of the bird in it’s cage? – thanx mitchr


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Is Propane Heat Safe for My Bird?

Is Propane Heat Safe for My Bird?

Question: Would a hot water bottle be a good option for emergency heat when the power is out, single-digit temp outside, etc.? Two quarts are a lot of water to heat with emergency fuel (without gassing everyone).
What is the minimum amount of water that would be effective? Do you have suggestions for other heat sources? Thanks, Lee


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