Random Bird Care Questions Answered
Budgies in the Bedroom
Budgies in the Bedroom
“She was not quite what you would call refined.She was not quite what you would call unrefined.
She was the kind of person that keeps a parrot.”Mark Twain
Chrysanthemum | English Ivy | Holly |
Poinsettia | Mistletoe | Yew |
Chocolate | Electric Wires | Scented Candles |
Potpourri | Room Fresheners | Boiling Water |
Frying Food | Open Toilets | Rhubarb |
Holiday Decorations | Half Filled Beverage Glasses | Second-hand Cigarette smoke |
If you have a small bird like a cockatiel, all you have to do is flip your remotes over and they can’t get to the buttons.
Windy City Parrot use to be located in the geographical center of the City of Chicago in the neighborhood known as Ukrainian Village (about 3 miles from downtown Chicago). Catherine and I live about 2000 feet from the Birdie Boutique so one of us walks to work every day (usually her).
Currently fulfilling from.
It’s no secret I’m in favor of leaving birds flighted, especially now that I have Popcorn following me around the apartment in the morning as we get ready for work, a subject I speak about in this blog post.
So I ask the following question:
Just got a lutino female cockatiel. Any tips on how to keep her happy and healthy would be appreciated. This is my first bird so i have no idea what…
I receive your e-mails daily and admire the tips and tricks that you provide. So, I’m writing to you now in hope that you might be able to help me.