The Magic of Bird Eye Sight and Challenges of Blind Bird Care

The Magic of Bird Eye Sight and Challenges of Blind Bird Care

Pet bird features

  • Body mechanisms that put a Swiss watch to shame
  • A coat of thousands of feathers requiring constant maintenance
  • Eyes that see invisible (to you & me) light
  • Beaks that can crack large nuts or hull tiny seeds
  • Use of flight to travel 3 dimensionally throughout your home
  • Can land then stand on any 3 square inch surface
  • Knows what time it is – precisely
  • Can detect the motion of the sun
  • Solves problems
  • (Some) can verbalize
  • Can pre-plan events into the future
  • Can do all of this for decades

makes caged bird keeping the most challenging of traditional pet husbandry.


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Your Resume Has Bird Poop and Beak Bite Marks – You’re Hired!

Your Resume Has Bird Poop and Beak Bite Marks – You’re Hired!

In an effort to show you reasons we should be your bird supplies purveyor of choice, we feel it’s important that you know we offer expertise, answers and solutions to the endless problems associated with caged bird care. 
To that end having people on our team that can fulfill these needs is essential. So you’d think it would be easy to find someone to write relevant content keeping our website what we call “sticky”. We want you to come back.  


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Do Expectations of Our Birds Set Us Up for Failure?

Do Expectations of Our Birds Set Us Up for Failure?

They warned me it was a slippery slope. A week away from my 62nd birthday I find myself a short white balding Jewish guy who’s become a “crazy bird person”.
Our apartment is 60 feet long and 30 feet wide or more in places.
In the morning I tend to domestic chores going in and out of rooms organizing, cleaning and while this is going on I have 95g of white feathers following me.
And if someone was looking through the window it would appear as though I was happily talking to myself because I’m carrying on a conversation with 95g of white feathers who happens to be in the same room wherever I am.

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