Can Homeopathic Remedies Solve Your Bird’s Ills?

Can Homeopathic Remedies Solve Your Bird’s Ills?

 Following a recent thread on a LinkedIn group regarding behavioral issues with an African Grey I got more, well-upset reading that people are giving their birds “all natural homeopathic remedies” with no thought as to the potential short or long-term consequences.


I questioned how this individual knew a certain Bach Flower Remedy was bird safe. Her answer was “I visited the website that sold it and the site stated, “safe for all animals”.


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Lovebird Feather Color Loss Question

Lovebird Feather Color Loss Question


My name is Dylen T. and am 13 years old. I’m doing a 4-H project with a bird I have named Dani. Her father is a Peachface Lovebird and her mother is a Fischer Lovebird. She is 5 1/2 years old. Dani was all green with a red/orange face when she hatched.

About a year and a half ago she started losing the blue pigment in her feathers, now she looks almost exactly like her sister, Honey, the Lutino that was hatched in the brood after hers. Dani is doing everything she would normally do like play, eat, drink and bathe. Do you know what could make this happen in a lovebird? I would appreciate any help you can give me with this.


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Why Fans and Feathers Don’t Mix Even in the Cage
An African Grey Parrot sitting on top of his cage preening his wing feathers.

Why Fans and Feathers Don’t Mix Even in the Cage

 As summer slowly creeps back into our lives we find ourselves breaking out the box fans, reversing the direction on the ceiling fans, and putting air-conditioners back in the windows. Many people ask us how I do know if my bird’s comfortable temperature wise?
Simply stated – if you’re comfortable, you’re birds are comfortable.

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Blue Crown Conure Bird Food Higgins Sunburst Gourmet for Conures 3 lb

Blue Crown Conure Bird Food Higgins Sunburst Gourmet for Conures 3 lb

 Blue Crown Conure Bird Food
I wanted to confirm I have a Blue Crown Conure and I have been ordering the following food for her, and wanted to confirm its the right food, as there is one for a Parrot and one for a Conure.
The name of the food is: 
Higgins Sunburst Gourmet Bird Food – Parrot 3 lb 
Does it matter if I get the one that says Conure or should I stick to the one that says Parrot on the packaging?

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Can I Travel With My Bird Safely?
A green macaw standing on the roof of a car

Can I Travel With My Bird Safely?

Let’s review the basics. Why do we keep birds in cages? Because if we didn’t, they would fly away.

The weather is getting warm which causes humans to make travel plans. We love our birds, we want them to travel with us. We love our birds, we want them to experience the out-of-doors, something we regretfully deprive them of for the majority of their lives.


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