Can Lighting Benefit My Blue Crown Conure With Cataracts?

Can Lighting Benefit My Blue Crown Conure With Cataracts?

Last Updated on by Mitch Rezman

Janet D. relates:

My blue-crown conure (named BLUE) is one of 2 rescue conures I’ve now had 5 years.

He has cataracts in both eyes. I know this because I could tell his vision was changing and took him to the vet 3 months ago.

Very recently, he’s more hesitant with everything so I think his vision is deteriorating more quickly than anticipated.

He’s even fidgety and mumbly at night recently as well.


I’m hesitant to completely cover him because he gets still and quiet if I leave a little opening now.


I do cover both cages together, but it’s easy to leave a little open on his end.


My 2 main questions are:


1) Daytime–Is sitting in direct sunlight bad for him? He loves it, and the angle passes quickly so he isn’t in the full sun very long.


2) Could a nightlight possibly help him? Does it have to be a special blue UV bulb or just a blue colored bulb?


Many yrs ago, I put an LED tealight in the bottom tray of my elderly mustached parakeet’s cage as she had night terrors and this comforted her. Wasn’t sure if that would help here. Thought I’d better ask for advice.


Thank you so much for all y’all do!


Hi Janet,

I’m sorry to hear of the cataract problem with Blue.

Many times pet bird keepers are surprised to hear about birds getting cataracts.


We have written a couple of posts about the subject of paired cataracts.


Can A Macaw Parrot Get Cataracts?


Answers For A Cockatiel Pulling Out His Wing Feathers And A Cockatiel With Cataracts


Further, I had cataract surgery in both eyes and it was life-changing.


It wasn’t until I had a cataract removed that I realize how opaque my vision was.


There’s quite a back story to my cataract surgery.


Why Did Two 10 Minute Cataract Surgeries Take 7 Weeks


In answer to Daytime–Is sitting in direct sunlight bad for him?


Direct sunlight is great for birds.


It makes him feel better about themselves and the world around them



Re: He loves it, and the angle passes quickly so he isn’t in the full sun very long.


I will advocate for artificial lighting over the cage to offset the narrow snippet of time that Blue gets to bathe under natural sunlight.


How Pet Bird Keepers Get The Lighting Thing Wrong


I will advocate for inexpensive artificial lighting set up over your BCC’s cage, to make Blue feel better about himself.


Full Spectrum Economy Daylight Bulb with Clamp Light & Timer

Full Spectrum Economy Daylight Bulb with Clamp Light & Timer


You will be amazed at how much better he looks, to you with direct full-time lighting.


Re: Could a nightlight possibly help him? Does it have to be a special blue UV bulb or just a blue colored bulb?


A nightlight will make him feel less stressed assuming he has some remaining vision.


Bird Night Fright Night Light Replacement Bulb


Bird Night Fright Night Light Replacement Bulb

Any low wattage bulb will do.


The objective is to make your parrot field comfortable finding food and water or even a new perch to stand on, in the middle of the night.


Stay safe



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Mitch Rezman

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