Has Wing Clipping Damaged Your Bird’s Feet?
Close up of a Red-and-green macaw (Ara chloropterus) foot, holding the cage with its claws

Has Wing Clipping Damaged Your Bird’s Feet?

Lately, I have been villainized, accused of being self-righteous, and generally disdained by all the people who feel clipping their bird’s wings is the right thing to do.
So I proudly wear the Scarlet (Macaw) letter “F” (for Flighted) on my chest.

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Bird Parasites, Cage Litter And The Great Wing Clipping Debate
Indian common green parrot in flight mode

Bird Parasites, Cage Litter And The Great Wing Clipping Debate

How do you know if your bird has mites? Excessive scratching could be the first clue, but that could also be attributed to dry skin. The simplest method is to take a piece of white computer paper and hold it under your bird’s main perch. Then tap, tap, tap hard on the perch with something like a wooden spoon. If you see small red dot “crawly things” on the paper, those would be mites. If you’re in doubt a visit to the vet would be in order.


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Upsides to Wing Clipping and EZ Pellet Conversion
Blue and yellow macaw parrot with clipped stretched wings on branch in bird park

Upsides to Wing Clipping and EZ Pellet Conversion

Welcome to your Sunday Birdie Brunch.
Everyone who knows me knows I am an advocate of keeping birds flighted. Strong headed as I am I realize that there are two sides to every story so I asked Denise Wamsley to provide her input on the benefits of clipping bird’s wings. Denise – you’re on. 


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How We Kill And Injure Our Pet Birds

How We Kill And Injure Our Pet Birds

For the many of you who don’t know, Catherine (my wife & partner) and I, spend almost 24/7 together. We always have something to say to one another, We talk about business a lot.


We brainstorm, plan, solve problems – you get it.


I’m not sure how this conversation got started, I remember we were in the car and I’m pretty sure Catherine said something like, “We spend so much time talking about how to care for our birds, the right bird foodproper size bird cage the right bird cage accessories and bird toys.


But we never talk about the other side.


The sadly ironic side of having a pet bird.


The single biggest reason our birds die is – we kill them.


Rather than expanding on each and every hazard, I’m going to list all that we came up with.


Let us know about your experiences so we can help other pet bird owners avoid potential catastrophes.



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Can My Bird Safely Eat People Food?

Can My Bird Safely Eat People Food?

My parrots love eating any kind of fruit or juice, nuts or seeds, but aren’t interested in any other kind of food I think is good for them. How can I change this?


This article is written with the understanding that you are providing a high quality formulated parrot pellet to your bird. Seed diets are ok but many nutrients are lost from “vitamin fortified” seed diets when the hull of the seed (where the vitamin fortification is applied) is discarded by the bird. We advocate a multi-vitamin supplement to ensure optimal nutrition with a seed diet. (more…)

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The Magic of Bird Eye Sight and Challenges of Blind Bird Care

The Magic of Bird Eye Sight and Challenges of Blind Bird Care

Pet bird features

  • Body mechanisms that put a Swiss watch to shame
  • A coat of thousands of feathers requiring constant maintenance
  • Eyes that see invisible (to you & me) light
  • Beaks that can crack large nuts or hull tiny seeds
  • Use of flight to travel 3 dimensionally throughout your home
  • Can land then stand on any 3 square inch surface
  • Knows what time it is – precisely
  • Can detect the motion of the sun
  • Solves problems
  • (Some) can verbalize
  • Can pre-plan events into the future
  • Can do all of this for decades

makes caged bird keeping the most challenging of traditional pet husbandry.


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