How Best to Connect With People Who RV With Their Parrots

Editor’s note You try to get a Quaker to pose in or on anything…

Hi, Mitch and Catherine – I’ve been searching the Internet and YouTube for ways to connect with people who RV with their parrots.  Not finding much, and what I do find is too old!  Any suggestions?  Thanks, Lisa

Dear Lisa


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Are Birds Happy When They See Us After a Long Absence?
Image of a black-headed caique parrot.

Are Birds Happy When They See Us After a Long Absence?

Miriam writes to us with a concern,

Hello there! Trying to find a past blog relating to my current situation, and value your input.

My Caique is staying with my parents for about 37-40 days. He likes them but I miss him tremendously & hear him scream for me when he hears me on the phone or FaceTime. I will need him to have some distance too from my husband for a while since he got a transplant once we get home.

Wondering how Mango will be when he sees us again – do birds just forget us? Thank you so much for your help


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Whats the Best Way to Introduce a New Carrier to My Cockatoo?

Whats the Best Way to Introduce a New Carrier to My Cockatoo?

Patricia N. explains,


I have an Umbrella Cockatoo and have a new travel cage arriving soon. Always hard to get it to try anything new and he’s not a fan of cages, other than his usual ‘home’ cage.


Any tips on how best to get him inside his new travel cage. Thank you


Dear Patricia 


Set it up right next to the bird’s regular cage. On a table to raise it up if possible. Put some food in it, treats, toys, and let your bird check it out.


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Traveling with Your Bird? Here’s Your How To’s
A blue and yellow macaw performs a trick involving a toy car at the KL Bird Park in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Traveling with Your Bird? Here’s Your How To’s

Air travel with your bird is a post all its own so today we’ll focus on terrestrial travel.
We are moving all comments from the old style blog to this new fancy schmancy one, by hand. Any comments made today and moving forward, will be made under your own profile. We apologize for any confusion and hope this new format will help make us all better pet bird keepers.  (more…)

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