Are Feral Parrots Americans or Immigrants?

Are Feral Parrots Americans or Immigrants?

Last Updated on by Mitch Rezman

There’s all this talk of immigration in Congress – something I try not to involve myself in.

Yet I know of feral parrot flocks around the country which I’ll identify shortly.

It’s all about independence and the people in America, but what about the animals?


America is host to more than 6 million feral pigs

hey, congress ~ why aren’t you counting the 6 million undocumented alien pigs?

Thinking of them begs the question should we treat them (feral animals) as American citizens because they have been here for a while? Or apply immigrant status among the various species?

Let’s say I find an injured Quaker parrot in Hyde Park around the University of Chicago Hospital.

Is the bird entitled to free emergency veterinary treatment or as an immigrant will not be admitted to the animal hospital?

If you’re lucky enough to be near any of these feral flocks like the ones here in Chicago, you can hear the birds squawking. They are South American birds.

Are the squawks in Spanish or English – can someone tell me this?

Is Spanish the Quaker’s native language?

Are they all squawking spanglish?

Editor’s note: the bird should’ve been removed from his shoulder at the first nip – shoulder riding is an earned privileged.

Birds do not understand the meaning of “No”, positive reinforcement is always best.

Before I share with you some wonderful videos and images of feral parrots in the US, I found it interesting to learn that there are other feral species found in the strangest places.

He’s running off the road Martha…


Over 1000 feral Rhesus monkeys reside in Florida

Do the young ones deserve a taxpayer-paid education?


At least 40 feral guinea pigs reside in Nu’uanu on the Hawaiian island of Oahu

Should free exercise wheels be made available to these US citizens?


Enjoy the videos.

The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill
Wild Parrots in the Bronx
Wild Parrots Agoura Hills CA close-up HD
Written by Mitch Rezman
Approved by Catherine Tobsing
Your Zygodactyl Footnote

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