How Do Birds Synthesize Vitamin D3 Through Their Skin Using UV?

How Do Birds Synthesize Vitamin D3 Through Their Skin Using UV?

Last Updated on by Mitch Rezman

Birds synthesize Vitamin D3 through their skin when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun.

Here’s how the process works despite their feathers:

  1. **Preening Behavior**: Birds have a preen gland (uropygial gland) located at the base of their tail. This gland secretes oils that birds spread over their feathers during preening. The preening oil contains a precursor to Vitamin D3. Not all birds have these glands like Amazons that rely on other sources for vitamin D3.


  1. **UV Light Exposure**: When birds are exposed to sunlight, the UVB rays convert the precursor in the preening oil into an active form of Vitamin D3. 


  1. **Ingestion**: Birds ingest this converted oil while preening their feathers, allowing the Vitamin D3 to enter their system.


  1. **Feather Structure**: While feathers provide protection, they are not completely impermeable to sunlight. Thin or less dense areas, particularly around the head and neck, allow some UV light to reach the skin directly.


  1. **Bald Patches**: Some birds have naturally occurring bald patches or areas with fewer feathers, which can directly absorb sunlight, aiding in the synthesis of Vitamin D3.


Overall, the combination of UV light exposure, preening behavior, and specific adaptations in feather structure enables birds to synthesize the essential Vitamin D3 despite their feather coverage.

Sunlight has several beneficial effects on pet birds, contributing to their overall health and well-being. Here are some of the primary effects:

  1. **Vitamin D Synthesis**: Sunlight helps birds synthesize Vitamin D3 through their skin. This vitamin is crucial for calcium absorption, which is essential for strong bones and eggshell production in female birds.


  1. **Mental Health and Behavior**: Exposure to natural sunlight can improve a bird’s mood and behavior. It helps regulate their circadian rhythms, leading to better sleep patterns and reduced stress levels.


  1. **Feather Health**: Sunlight promotes healthy preening behaviors, helping to keep their feathers in good condition. It can also aid in the prevention of feather plucking and other self-destructive behaviors.


  1. **Eye Health**: Natural sunlight supports good vision and overall eye health. Birds have a specialized structure in their eyes called the pecten, which benefits from exposure to natural light.


  1. **Immune System Support**: Regular exposure to sunlight can boost a bird’s immune system, making them less susceptible to infections and illnesses.


However, it is important to ensure that pet birds are not exposed to excessive sunlight, which can lead to overheating and dehydration. Providing a shaded area and fresh water is essential to prevent heat stress.

In a riveting exploration that sheds light on the impact of ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation on the intricate dance of calcium metabolism in our feathered companions, M Stanford et al. embarked on a pioneering study focused on the elegant and intelligent residents of the avian world, the African grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus).

This study carved out a path to understanding how these majestic creatures, known for their vibrant plumage and keen intelligence, navigate the subtle nuances of vitamin and mineral absorption under the influence of UVB radiation.

Feathered factoid: If you have an infant in the home you probably have Pedialyte, if not get some for your avian first aid kit in case of your bird’s dehydration. Administer with a syringe appropriate for your FID’s size.

Venturing into the heart of this investigation, the researchers divided their avian subjects into two cohorts, each consisting of 20 robust and healthy grey parrots.

The division was based on their dietary regimens: one group was nourished on a traditional seed-based diet, echoing the diets of their wild counterparts, while the other group was fed a scientifically formulated pellet-based diet, designed to provide a balanced nutritional profile.

The stage was set to observe the effects of UVB radiation, spanning wavelengths from 285 to 315 nm, on these two dietetically distinct groups.

The results of this compelling study were nothing short of remarkable. Across the board, regardless of their dietary foundations, both groups of grey parrots showcased a significant uptick in the plasma levels of ionized calcium upon exposure to UVB radiation.

This discovery illuminated a critical aspect of avian biology, underscoring the intrinsic ability of UVB radiation to bolster calcium metabolism, independent of the dietary sources of calcium and vitamin D3.

Interestingly, a distinct divergence emerged when examining the levels of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol, a pivotal marker of vitamin D3 status.

Here, the seed-fed parrots stood apart, revealing a notable increase in this vitamin marker, a testament to the transformative power of UVB radiation on converting dietary precursors into this essential nutrient.

In contrast, such an elevation was not observed in their pellet-fed counterparts, hinting at the multifaceted interplay between diet, sunlight, and nutrient metabolism.

Further enriching this narrative, a separate vein of the study cast its gaze upon 28 South American beauties of the genus Pionus, basking in the unadulterated glory of natural sunlight between the bustling months of March and August.

Intriguingly, this exposure to the unfettered embrace of the sun did not manifest in significant increases in plasma ionized calcium or 25-hydroxycholecalciferol, adding a layer of mystery and prompting further contemplation about the unique responses of different avian species to sunlight.

This study, in essence, serves as a canvas, painting a vivid picture of how UVB radiation acts as a maestro, orchestrating the symphony of calcium metabolism in psittacine birds.

It unravels the enigmatic relationship between sunlight and the physiological needs of these avian beings, providing a beacon of insight for veterinarians, avian caretakers, and enthusiasts alike.

It echoes the importance of tailored care and environmental enrichment for these feathered jewels, ensuring their vibrance and vitality in captivity mirrors that of their wild brethren.

Thus, the study by M Stanford et al. stands not only as a hallmark of scientific exploration but as a testament to the interconnectedness of life, light, and well-being in the avian world.

Written and Approved by the Windy City Parrot Content Team.

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Mitch Rezman

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