How Do I Help Heal My Zebra Finches Foot?

How Do I Help Heal My Zebra Finches Foot?

Last Updated on by Mitch Rezman

Carla D. writes,


My zebra finch has injured his foot on a perch and has a scab on the ball of his foot.


I have been treating it with Neosporin. Is there anything else that I should do?

Catherine Tobsing replied

What kind of perches are in the cage now?


If plain wood dowel perches then you should replace them with natural wood branches, rope perches or you can wrap the dowel perches with Vet Wrap.


While the bird is healing you should have no exposed wooden dowel perches, no rough pedicure perches.


If this is a pressure sore aka bumblefoot, then you would best remove all perches and if possible, put the bird into a very small cage until the feet are healed.



Then put back in the larger cage with new perches. Not plain wood dowel perches.


I hope this helps.

Best wishes to you and your little bird.


MitchR here Carla,

Generally, we shouldn’t put ointments on a pet bird’s open sores.


From the University of Wisconsin-Madison, we can glean some Pet bird first aid tips.


I recommend Vetericyn Plus Anti-microbial Wound and Skin Care that is pet bird safe, and less annoying on the skin.


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