How Do I Prevent My Bird From Getting Hurt on Exposed Wires?

How Do I Prevent My Bird From Getting Hurt on Exposed Wires?

Last Updated on by Mitch Rezman

A week doesn’t go by that we are asked “how do I keep my bird from getting hurt on exposed wires”? Here are some visuals to get you started.

white picket fence hiding wires on wall

You just gotta love this picket fence wire protector look – click for more ideas

computer cables wrapped with plastic tubing so birds can't chew wires

A homegrown solution from Windy City Parrot – used vacuum hose


Hide Wires Inside a Shower Curtain Rod Cover and 4 more brilliant ways to hide wires.

Your bird is always the BEST helper ~ Video

PetCable Pet-Resistant Cord Protector From Pets - 9 Foot Long Polyester Braided Cable Wrap to Protect Wires from Chewing - Unscented Cord Protector for Dogs

PetCable Pet-Resistant Cord Protector From Pets – 9 Foot Long Polyester Braided Cable Wrap


Best-Looking Solution for Running Floor Cables?

Cord Protector - CritterCord - A New Way to Protect Your Pet from Chewing Hazardous Cords

Cord Protector – CritterCord – A New Way to Protect Your Pet from Chewing Hazardous Cords

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