I Used a Mite Insecticide and Now My Budgie is Not Well

I Used a Mite Insecticide and Now My Budgie is Not Well

Last Updated on by Catherine Tobsing

Gloria W wrote:

I put the smallest amount of Scat for mites onto my parakeet Benji just over two weeks ago.

I had turned to set the bottle aside and saw Benji licking at his inner thigh or trying to, where I had put the Scat. 

I called my vet immediately and he told me to observe Benji.

He seemed fine for a few days and then not so fine.

The veterinarian told me to get the probiotic FAUNA FLORA and I did. 

I called the vet again and got an appointment three days ago.

Received antibiotics and was told to buy Exact baby bird food.

Benji is almost three years old but not wanting to eat.

He doesn’t care for the Exact and fights me if I try to force on him.

The probiotic I mix in his fine chopped veggies which he eats a little of. 

Today he ate a couple of mouth-fulls of seed, then went to sleep. He sleeps a lot.

I have a heater on him and food and water near in cage.  Any suggestion on how to better help him please? The antibiotic is for ten days.

I do realize Scat is an insecticide. He never licked in past.

Thank you, Gloria 

Dear Gloria

We are very sorry to hear about your bird’s health issues.

It sounds like you are doing all the right things and all you can do is watch and wait.

How do/did you know that your budgie has mites? Did the Vet confirm this?

Unfortunately, birds are very hard to diagnose and much of their Vet care is to offer antibiotics in case there is an infection and suggest probiotics if it is a digestion problem.

It could be something completely different, but to try and confirm it requires a blood test and or X-ray and it still is not a for sure and can become very costly.

You said the bird’s mite medicine was applied to its lower abdomen. Was Benji picking there? Did your Vet check for a testicular tumor?

Unfortunately, there is nothing that you can do other than to make your bird comfortable.

We have had as many as 12 budgies at a time and now, over time, have had a few pass and we have only 6 now. 

The parakeets in the USA are usually inbred and thus their life expectancy is a lot shorter than it really should be. Some only living for 3-7 years. 

I am very sorry you are going through this and Benji is not well.

Best of luck


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Mitch Rezman

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