Parrot Travel Cage Fabric vs Metal
Are Your Indoor Aviaries Suitable for Outside Use?

Parrot Travel Cage Fabric vs Metal

Last Updated on by Mitch Rezman


We live in a Tsunami area. I have seen on tv, somewhere, a canvas backpack which

is a parrot travel cage. It has a perch and screen. Granted it’s not big, but in an emergency

situation….I would want one big time. The other day, I saw a man coming out of PetCo

carrying his cat in the same sort of thing. It was like a duffel bag instead of a backpack.

Verycool and much easier to carry that the aluminum cage.


Hi Kate

Thanx for the email

First – heres a link to backpack carriers 

We don’t recommend these for evacuation purposes – 3 reasons. 

1) When you’re rushing in an emergency and “throwing” things in the car the rigidcarrier will withstand the packing and the trip. 

2) If the evacuation continues for more than a day or 2 you’ll want your bird in a less restricted enviornment than back pack with limited viewing for the bird. 

3) Without constant supervision, your bird may chew out of the fabric carrier

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Mitch Rezman

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