What Are the Effects of My Chemotherapy on My Orange Wing Amazon?

What Are the Effects of My Chemotherapy on My Orange Wing Amazon?

Last Updated on by Catherine Tobsing

Christy T. inquires,

Hi Catherine: I know you and Mitch have had many things in your newsletters about chemotherapy and birds.

I never read them because it didn’t apply to me. 

Now it does apply to me since I am having my first chemo infusion on Tuesday. 

I know touching my Orange Wing Amazon whom I have had for 47 years could harm me. 

So I plan to stay my distance.  Can it hurt her though?  

The internet says it has no effect on pet exotics and birds.  Is that true?  

She is my second favorite thing in the world, and I wouldn’t want anything to happen to her.  

Thank you in advance.  Christy T.

Hi Christy,

I am sorry you have to go through this.

I have no formal medical training but it’s my understanding that patients undergoing radiation can be toxic to those around them but not the case with chemo.

I am glad your doctor didn’t tell you to get rid of the bird as I feel they are one of the best environmental alars nature ever created.

Here’s a short list of threads we’ve exchanged with cancer patients over the years:



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Mitch Rezman

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