What Size Rope Perches For A 45 YO Double Yellow-head Amazon?

What Size Rope Perches For A 45 YO Double Yellow-head Amazon?

Last Updated on by Catherine Tobsing

Hi, my vet suggested differently sized rope perches for Yago, my 45 yr. old (double yellow-headed) Amazon.

His main perch (rope) is the one on top.

It is a bit long so it droops a bit.

I think it is about 1/2 inch in diameter. 

I measured the diameter of the cage at 20″. Pretty sure that should be the size for his main one. 

He has two others shown.

I would like to keep the dark brown one.  

Do you have some ideas for Yago?

Maybe one or two outside?

One concern is placing them under the one at the top to avoid poop, which is not that easy to clean on a rope.


Call me if any questions.


Thanks, Alex


Editor’s note: rope perches can be easily cleaned by placing them on the top rack of a dishwasher or placing them in a “delicates” bag, then using a washing machine.

Always “air dry” so you don’t melt the glue holding the plastic end-nuts. Endnote.


Dear Alex

I want to respond at length.


Of course, I do not know your individual situation, but your bird’s cage concerns me. I have to ask anyway. Please do not take any of this the wrong way.


Has your bird always lived in that cage?


For 45 years?


The cage is round and small which is not good for a bird’s psychological health.


It does not allow the bird to have a cage “back” to retreat for privacy.


Proper Bird and Parrot Cage Placement.


Your DYA is always “on display” and unable to fully relax thus he may be in a constant state of counter instinctual anxiety.


This is one factor contributing to its ragged feather condition.


Also, the cage and bars have no coating anymore (if it ever had any) which exposes your birds to heavy metal poison issues that also may negatively affect its health.


I recommend that you replace the birdcage with something else that is square or rectangular and placed flat against a wall.


Find cages for large parrots like DYA’s here.


If money is an issue you can locate used parrot cages everywhere for $50 and up.


Even free sometimes from a local bird rescue in your area.


In good health, your Amazon parrot could live another 20-30 years and a better cage will only improve it’s quality of life.


I recommend nothing too large at this point but something ranging from 20″ to 30″ wide would be just fine.


Now regarding the rope perches.


You say the cage is 20″.


The Booda rope perches available ar about 21″ long, a little longer usually, by maybe an inch once installed.


The 1/2″ thick one you have is much too thin for an Amazon.


It is more suited to a cockatiel.


Albino cockatiel on a 1/2 inch diameter soft rope perch Popcorn passed over the rainbow bridge during the summer of 2015.


A bird having to grip tighter on a thinner perch can work against its foot health.


This can lead to arthritis and even problems with its talons poking at the bottom of its own feet when the diameter is so small.


interactive gif of owl foot flexing

Screech owl talons in necropsy
(an autopsy performed on an animal)


I recommend at the very least that you choose a 21″ MEDIUM or even better a 21″ LARGE soft rope perch.


21″ Medium Booda Soft Rope Phttps://windycityparrot.com/product/comfy-rope-perch-medium-21-inch-53-3-cm-by-booda/erch 

21″ Large Booda Soft Rope Perch 


You can always go thicker with rope perches, so the large diameter would be fine.


A thicker rope perch will also not sag as much.


You mention adding perches outside the cage so I assume the bird is able to come out of its cage.

Coffee Tree Perch Natural Straight by Prevue 18" Large Read more: https://windycityparrot.com/hard-perch-c-356_368/#ixzz67HDfiDzo Follow us: @windycityparrot on Twitter


Short single end bolt on perches may be the answer.


They do not require the need to be attached at both sides so you have more flexibility with their placement.


Using them inside or outside will be a nice addition for your bird and you can place them out of range of the inside rope perch at the top of the cage.


Coffee/Java Y Perch Small 9″  

Coffee/Java Y Perch Medium 12″  


One other suggestion is the Flat Manzanita bolt-on perch that will also help with your bird’s feet.


Flat Perch Manzanita Flat Single Bolt On 9" Large


Giving her other options to rest her feet with flat perches.


The suggested perches above should fulfill the needs of your bird in its existing cage without taking up too much space.


I also notice you have almost zero toys in the cage.


If you don’t due to the bird not having played with them that does not mean they are not needed.


Arranging your bird’s cage: The Cage Canopy Concept


Not all toys have to be destroyed or chewed up to have a function.


They also serve as furnishings and comfort.


A toy can serve as a chewable thing, something to snuggle up to or even hide its face behind when it is stressed or tired.


Does your bird choose to face the wall when it naps or is stressed?


Having a few toys in the cage along the wall near a perch helps ease this.


Toys of the past often were hard plastic parts or a clanging bell on a chain and can be of little use to a parrot thus the idea that one’s bird doesn’t like toys can result.


Simple additions like a paper towel core shoved into the bars to rip up or folded strips of newspaper folded in and out of the bars can help a toy phobic bird to start pecking at it and get a little stimulated.


I recommend some small, easily destroyed soft toys to start, placed along the inside walls of the cage.


These are ones that would be nice.


The Menagerie toy is a small soft fleece strip toy that can be safely used for your bird. It can be preened and chewed and cuddled against, it is flat and won’t take up a lot of space.


The Grassy Dance Toy or Miami Frost Toy are small easily shreddable toys that can be easily torn up and give your bird satisfaction without intimidation.


As with any new items, if your bird has not had change as a regular thing in its life it can react with fear or anger when cage changes are suddenly made in its cage.


So I would recommend that you remove the bird from its cage and move everything around, place the items in the cage where you want them.


Toys right against the inside walls near the perch ends, and not dangling in the middle.


Then put your bird inside and shut the door.


Do this in the morning and allow your bird to have the full day to adjust.


She will only be better and healthier by the additions to her life.


I hope this helps.


Please contact me with any questions and if you need to place an order, please give me a call.


Thank you



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