I’m Going Crazy & Broke Feeding My Eclectus Parrot – Helllp

I’m Going Crazy & Broke Feeding My Eclectus Parrot – Helllp

A little housekeeping
This week at the Windy City Parrot where the sun never sets empire world headquarters, our two local wi-fi networks decided to freelance.
In the digital world, you can not tolerate freelancing networks so we went out and got one of those transformers-looking routers with lots of menacing antennas and fired it up.
Getting all of the computers to talk to all the printers talk took 10 hours of my time and several hours of Catherine speaking to a number of support reps from our shipping software company.


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Holy Crap My Bird’s Favorite Food Changed One Ingredient – Why Was This Not on the Twitterverse?

Holy Crap My Bird’s Favorite Food Changed One Ingredient – Why Was This Not on the Twitterverse?


Popcorn update

Friday 3/11/2016 – Dr Byron drained another 8 mL and gave her a shot of Lurpron. Everyday she’s with us is a gift.

I now let her out for an hour twice a day so she doesn’t tire too much and started “millet therapy” which keeps her on the ground (we’re keeping her flighted) and packs a ton of calories to help offset those used in the production of this nasty abdominal fluid production. If you’re not familiar with the story – read this.


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How Many Conure Species Are There? You’d Be Amazed!
Green Cheek Conure perched on a branch

How Many Conure Species Are There? You’d Be Amazed!

Argentina Conure
Austral Conure
Azara’s Conure
Aztec Conure
Azuero Conure
Berlepsch’s Conure
Black-capped Conure
Black-hooded Conure
Black-masked Conure
Blaze-winged Conure
Blood-eared Conure
Blue-chested Conure
Blue-crowned Conure
Blue-throated Conure
Brazilian Grey-breasted Conure
Brown-breasted Conure
Brown-throated Conure (more…)

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What You Might Not Know About Bird Lungs

What You Might Not Know About Bird Lungs

& How They Make Your Bird 1st Cousin To A Crocodile

Last week we chatted about a macaw and the demise of its human lungs. It’s unfortunate but sometimes we are more concerned with our bird’s health than random human beings and I get that so let’s spin 180° and talk about respiratory issues that our birds may have, 

First a Popcorn update – this is what you look for in a vet:


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