This is Why Doctors Should Be Prescribing Pet Birds
Today it's email, or you are pinned - tweeted - snapchatted - facebooked and plussed. Back in the day, some announcer would say "keep those cards and letters coming".…
Today it's email, or you are pinned - tweeted - snapchatted - facebooked and plussed. Back in the day, some announcer would say "keep those cards and letters coming".…
Popcorn update: Catherine, me and our avian vet Dr. Byron decided to bypass the brooding period. We just exposed Popcorn to 72 hours of light to help (hoping) shut…
Note: This post is quite dated as Popcorn is no longer with us, but the condition we are writing about, Ascites is one to have knowledge of. We hope you…
I am getting this so I can stay warm. Editor’s note: we don’t know what bird food your bird will like any more than if you are a fan of “Transparent”, “Scandal” or “The Walking Dead” on Netflix.
Photograph courtesy of jmbead
from “comments” in a recent order confirmation email:
he is less than a year old and screams loudly when he cannot see me. I am hoping the calm herb will be effective when my neighbors are home. Or just gives me a break when i need it. I took him to my moms for christmas and she was not happy about the loudness. 🙁
desta baldwin – Order number: WCP-89743 Order Date: 1/15/2016
Hi Desta
I’ve got a couple of ideas but need a bit more info
what kind of bird ? – how do we know it’s a he? – flighted or clipped? – did mom yell “shut up” at the bird? – could you send a pic of the bird in it’s cage? – thanx mitchr
It's rare to find a product that benefits multiple species but Coconut oil is one of them. Are all coconut oils the same? No. the coconut oil we sell Coco Loro…