Of Moms, Motorcycles and Magpies or How One Cockatiel Coped With Separation

Of Moms, Motorcycles and Magpies or How One Cockatiel Coped With Separation

 This is a tail of separation anxiety between my bird and me and my mom and her village.

from the Joni Mitchell song “big yellow taxi” come the words “you don’t know what you got till it’s gone” So it was interesting to hear that popcorn was “beside herself” in my absence – I learned this from a 1000 miles away – in Oklahoma – maybe. How did I get here? Funny you should ask.

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I’m Pinned to the Ground by a Feathered Demon Send Help!

I’m Pinned to the Ground by a Feathered Demon Send Help!

The names have been changed to protect the innocent
“Well Johnny, your father and I have decided since you won’t eat anything that’s good for you we feel is perfectly fine for you to eat French fries and drink Coca-Cola three meals a day until you turn 21”
File under “my bird doesn’t like what I give him or her” I’ll make sure that I won’t do anything that would possibly make my bird unhappy”:


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Understanding Your Bird’s Hormonal Issues May Help You Cope
Red parrot head with blur bokeh background

Understanding Your Bird’s Hormonal Issues May Help You Cope

 Eclectus and African Greys have the ability to breed year-round, many times, and never show changes in their behavior.

They both reach sexual maturity around the age of three and eventually mature and grow out of it. Conversely, Amazon parrots reach sexual maturity between the ages of five and twelve.

You can expect a great deal of aggression for one to two years during this period. The good news is Amazon aggression will settle down once they are no longer hormonal.

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How Bird Friendly Is Your Bird’s Cage?
How Bird Friendly Is Your Bird's Cage?

How Bird Friendly Is Your Bird’s Cage?

I make up words when it suits me – who doesn’t?

I no longer read books. I read the biggest dictionary I could find and now in my spare time I keep rearranging all the words into stories that I like in my head. To that end sometimes there’s just not enough words in the dictionary to explain every thought.

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More Free Bird Toys & DIY Bird Toy Videos

More Free Bird Toys & DIY Bird Toy Videos

Sometimes it’s just hard to rationalize spending money on bird toys that you know will be destroyed.

Gas prices are not going down soon and available funds that we have to devote to our pets seems to be getting diminished daily.

Search the term “bird toy” on Google and you get 7,300,000 results. Windy city Parrot like many sites offers bird toys with free shipping ( $49 minimum order on our site). Bird toy parts although getting harder to find are still available.


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Not Looking at Your Bird Holistically May Be Dangerous to Its Health

Not Looking at Your Bird Holistically May Be Dangerous to Its Health

How many times have you watched in awe as a flighted bird hops off the top of it’s cage – the “flap, flap, flap” then it lands on an inch wide piece of ceiling crown molding or a computer monitor and in bird speak says “what’s up?” Never giving a thought to that gravity thing that keeps the rest of us tethered to Mother Earth.

These are special creatures indeed.

Do we really give our birds enough credit for their ability to adapt?


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