Holy Crap My Bird’s Favorite Food Changed One Ingredient – Why Was This Not on the Twitterverse?

Holy Crap My Bird’s Favorite Food Changed One Ingredient – Why Was This Not on the Twitterverse?


Popcorn update

Friday 3/11/2016 – Dr Byron drained another 8 mL and gave her a shot of Lurpron. Everyday she’s with us is a gift.

I now let her out for an hour twice a day so she doesn’t tire too much and started “millet therapy” which keeps her on the ground (we’re keeping her flighted) and packs a ton of calories to help offset those used in the production of this nasty abdominal fluid production. If you’re not familiar with the story – read this.


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Arranging Your Bird’s Cage: the Cage Canopy Concept

Arranging Your Bird’s Cage: the Cage Canopy Concept

Mitch mentioned something to me the other day that I had never given any thought to the cage canopy. I had more or less arranged toys in the top part of the cage, from instinct I suppose, but never knew why I did it or thought that others might not do exactly the same. 

In the wild, parrots and other types of flighted birds (as opposed to emus and ostriches (that can’t fly) spend a lot of time foraging, often on the ground. All the rest of their time is spent in the upper branches of trees.

This provides the best cover from predators by preventing the things that want to eat birds from easily spotting them while the rustling of leaves alerts the birds to the presence of some creature in time to make every effort to escape the danger. The birds play, sleep and nest for the most part in the top one-third of the tree canopy. 


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Fixing the My Bird Hates Pellets but I Love Pellets – Enigma

Fixing the My Bird Hates Pellets but I Love Pellets – Enigma

Some of you realize – many of you don’t. The majority of social media posts you read were programmed days or weeks before for “future distribution”. This means whoever is pushing the erudition out won’t be around when you’re reading their content to actually engage you in a discussion about this new important “message” from the person or brand you are following.

Water from a fire hose is fine for putting out fires, but you can’t drink water from a fire hose and you can’t water plants with a fire hose. Getting information from social media is like getting information from a fire hose.


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I Love My Bird – I Hate the Mess – A Helping Guide to Bird Mess Containment

I Love My Bird – I Hate the Mess – A Helping Guide to Bird Mess Containment

Every parrot owner deals with the issue of messiness with seeds or pellets that get tossed out of the cage or water splashes wetting the cage liners.

No parrot parent likes to have just changed the cage liner, swept or vacuumed debris from around the cage, and provided clean water dishes only to realize that their bird has just decided to soak the entire cage floor and the food by trying to bathe in their water dish or has decided to toss out part of their food in a wide sweep that sprinkles on the newly-cleaned floor, has just taken a poop in their water dish or had poop fall into the newly-served food.


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Why You Don’t Need a Professional to Trim Your Birds Nails

Why You Don’t Need a Professional to Trim Your Birds Nails

There are a lot of tough guy actors. Mickey Rourke is like a train wreck you want to look away but you just can’t.

fyi he was nominated for an Oscar , Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role The Wrestler (2008) – he’s also an animal lover

When Rourke won the 2009 Golden Globe Award for Best Actor in The Wrestler, he famously gave a special shout-out to “all my dogs” in his acceptance speech: “The ones that are here, that aren’t here anymore, because sometimes when a man’s alone, that’s all you got is your dog. And they meant the world to me.”


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I Want My Freakin Bird Back but She’s Held Hostage by Her Eggs

I Want My Freakin Bird Back but She’s Held Hostage by Her Eggs

Mark Hagen is to Parrot Knowledge as Dennis Yu is to social media or as Michael Jordan is to basketball.

His knowledge base of parrot breeding is second to none.

He’s got a Master’s Degree in agriculture and runs the largest single parrot research Institute on the planet – HARI.

He IS the creator of Hagen bird food.


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