Parrotlets – Big Birds in Small Bird Bodies
PACIFIC PARROTLET (Forpus coelestis), beautiful bird perched on the branch of a cypress in freedom. Lima - Peru

Parrotlets – Big Birds in Small Bird Bodies

Parrotlets – although appearing to be about the size of a parakeet, is not how they see themselves. They definitely have a big bird mentality and an abundance of energy. Because they had not been in captivity for all that long nobody really knows their average lifespan which is generally expected to be around 15 to 20 years, some say even 30. With proper care, these little birds can be quite durable pets.


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Parrotlets Are Big Birds In Small Bird Bodies

Parrotlets Are Big Birds In Small Bird Bodies

Parrotlets – although appearing to be about the size of a parakeet, is not how they see themselves.

They definitely have a big bird mentality and an abundance of energy.

Because they had not been in captivity for all that long nobody really knows their average lifespan which is generally expected to be around 15 to 20 years, some say even 30.


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This Is Your Bird on Eggs. Can Chronic Egg Layers Anonymous Help?

This Is Your Bird on Eggs. Can Chronic Egg Layers Anonymous Help?

“I’ve got a lot of addictions but not a lot of time so I’ve been going to polkaholics anonymous because they offer a two-step program” mitchr

So Popcorn our cockatiel, (pictured above) has become a prolific mom and if we put our hand within 12 inches of her in her cage, my arm will be ripped off by the doting mother sitting on 2 nonfertile eggs. We feel your pain and we are about to embark on a journey trying to figure out why this is happening and how to fix it.

Recommendations are to leave the egg(s) in place for 11 days past the time the last egg of the clutch is laid. Normal cockatiel clutches have about six eggs. Popcorn is sitting on two – does that impact her? (more…)

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Check Out  Farming Parrots in Their Gardens

Check Out Farming Parrots in Their Gardens

– are they the real macaws?

Generally speaking, the answer is ‘No, parrots do not make good “Intentional” farmers as they destroy more than they build. Ironically that mess on your floor which was clean 15 minutes ago is an example of nature’s way of using birds as agents to spread seeds throughout the earth. As an example, birds do not have receptors for capsaicin, the protein that makes peppers hot, so birds will still eat the peppers and disperse the seeds. You and I on the other hand will need to drink lots of beer to put out the mouth fire.

Before moving forward I’d like to note that what you are about to read is a digital collaboration between me and Nora – unbeknownst to her as I write this but she will be making the final edits on this post. The original title was “Grow a Garden for Your Parrot” but clearly, there is a difference between what men think about parrots and farming and what women think about growing stuff for parrots


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Parrot-medics Real Life Drama in the Avian ER! Are You Prepared?
Veterinarian examining Alexandrine parakeet in clinic, closeup

Parrot-medics Real Life Drama in the Avian ER! Are You Prepared?

I admit there are times that I struggle to find topics and content that would be interesting to caged bird keepers. Much of the time though, the blog writes itself. A little known but highly reliable source for content on our blog is “customer reviews”

Catherine likes calf’s liver. I won’t eat out of a pan that has cooked calf’s liver. That does not make calf’s liver inherently bad. I’ll tell you right off the bat that if you give a product one star because “your bird didn’t like it” (think calves liver) we treat it like a review on calves liver – love it or hate it , it’s still good for you and because I don’t like the taste of it does not make it a bad source of nutrition and the review won’t get posted.


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How Bulk Re-Bagged Bird Food Can Make Your Bird Sick

How Bulk Re-Bagged Bird Food Can Make Your Bird Sick

I was reading in a parrot-related forum recently about the great pricing a website had because it sold all its bird food in bulk. In other words not in factory-sealed bags with nitrogen injected to kill insect larvae.
Basically, the food gets shipped to you in a plastic bag. We see a lot of bulk bird food sold in pet shops with those fancy dispensers used to sell all sorts of bulk foods, nuts & candy.


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More Free Bird Toys & DIY Bird Toy Videos

More Free Bird Toys & DIY Bird Toy Videos

Sometimes it’s just hard to rationalize spending money on bird toys that you know will be destroyed.

Gas prices are not going down soon and available funds that we have to devote to our pets seems to be getting diminished daily.

Search the term “bird toy” on Google and you get 7,300,000 results. Windy city Parrot like many sites offers bird toys with free shipping ( $49 minimum order on our site). Bird toy parts although getting harder to find are still available.


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Your Government Wants to Outlaw Your Pet Bird!

Your Government Wants to Outlaw Your Pet Bird!

We’ve all heard about all those government perks Swedes get – 97% of their healthcare is picked up by various Swedish taxing bodies (about 9% of Sweden’s costs for health and medical care amount to approximately 9 percent of Sweden’s gross domestic product GDP)

Stuff like 5 weeks paid vacation when you start a job, increasing with your length of tenure – 480 days of paid parental leave – it’s cold and dark and then sunny and perfect and all those beautiful women (although I’m reminded here in edit by Catherine that the beautiful women are not supplied by the government 🙁


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