Suggestions for Bird Cage Liners
Suggestions for Bird Cage Liners

Suggestions for Bird Cage Liners

Last Updated on by Mitch Rezman

Dear Barb 

The moths, we do have a product that works wonders to catch and eliminate grain moths.

 I always used newspaper, it is easy to remove and roll up daily.

You can use press and seal plastic wrap if you like, some swear by it, or get the rolls of white or brown kraft paper, can be gotten at office supply stores or craft stores.

Prevue makes a nice paper on a roll as well T3 paper.

I’ll, but it does come in handy for bird cages and packing and it is cheap.

I do not recommend cage litter as it can harbor insects, mold, moisture and rust out your tray if metal. Plus it can be heavy.

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