The Danger of Dual Caloric Drains on Your Bird’s Metabolism
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The Danger of Dual Caloric Drains on Your Bird’s Metabolism

Last Updated on by Mitch Rezman

Editor’s note: The image above is our 20-year-old African Ringneck Keto. He looks miserable and you can see a slight degradation of his movements during the molt. He always bounces back!

We hope you and your feathered friend are chirping along happily! 

Let’s talk about something that’s no laughing matter – your bird’s diet during molting and egg-laying periods.

Find All Windy City Parrot Avian Supplements and Vitamins Here

When your bird is molting, it’s like they’re running a marathon while knitting a sweater at the same time.

They’re shedding old feathers and growing new ones, which is no small task. It’s like trying to change your clothes while running a race – sounds exhausting, right?

And let’s not forget our egg-laying hens.

Producing eggs is like baking a cake from scratch every day.

It takes a lot of energy and resources. Imagine having to whip up a soufflé daily – you’d need an extra slice of cake just to keep going!

So, what does this mean for you, the doting bird parent? It means your bird needs extra fuel during these times. 

It’s like they’re athletes in training or master bakers in the middle of a baking competition. They need more calories to keep up with the demands of their bodies.

So, don’t skimp on the birdie buffet during these periods. Make sure your pet is getting plenty of nutritious food and vitamins to support their feather production or egg-laying. After all, you wouldn’t run a marathon or bake a cake without a hearty meal, would you?

Find All Windy City Parrot Avian Supplements and Vitamins Here.

Remember, a well-fed bird is a happy bird. And a happy bird makes for a happy bird parent!


Mitch Rezman
Windy City Parrot, Inc

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