What Captivity Does to Stress Pet Birds: Understanding the Impact
Keeping pet birds can be a rewarding experience, but it’s crucial to understand the impact captivity can have on these feathered companions.
Keeping pet birds can be a rewarding experience, but it’s crucial to understand the impact captivity can have on these feathered companions.
Understanding Parrotlets – Introduction to Parrotlets
Parrotlets are one of the smallest hookbill parrot species, often affectionately referred to as “pocket parrots” due to their diminutive size.
Understanding and Addressing Aggression
Congo African Grey parrots are renowned for their intelligence, remarkable speaking abilities, and complex personalities.
We all can admit to falling into the usual automatic mode of things we’d do while aimed at seeking good outcomes, and birds are not spared by the same attitude in the course of their daily activities like drinking and in some cases, even procreation do crane behavior necessary for their happy comfortable life.
A novel parrot gait called beakiation expands the locomotor range of living birds.
Researched and written by Edwin Dickinson and his team and published in January 2024, this new way of moving for parrots involves the use of their beaks while climbing on small, vertical branches under their aviary enclosures.
The shimaenaga (Aegithalos caudatus japonicus) is a subspecies of the long-tailed tit that is native to Hokkaido, Japan. They are also known as "snow fairies" because of their white faces, small beaks,…
Choosing the right parrot species as a first-time owner is crucial to ensure a happy and harmonious relationship between you and your feathered friend.
Here are some popular and beginner-friendly parrot species per the “experts”
All the birds get chopped fruit and veggies for breakfast every morning
We replace the vitamin water in all 4 home birdcages around 4 PM when Keto and Chili come upstairs leaving their work cages (on mom’s desk) behind.
There is an old counting rhyme that refers to seeing magpies. Like most old verses it has many hundreds of variations, but the first couple of lines are pretty much always the same. Below is how I was taught:
Having a pet bird that hops onto your finger is great. But think ahead: it’s even better if your bird will also step onto a stick or perch.
Not all pet sitters will be okay touching your bird, so having a no-touch way to move your feathered pal is smart.