Can the lack of change in your bird’s life drive it’s bad behavior?

Can the lack of change in your bird’s life drive it’s bad behavior?

I received a phone call from a woman with a 15-year-old Blue Front Amazon.
He was in the original cage he had come home in 15 years ago.
The cage needed replacing and she was seeking a residential model.
Because he didn’t like being in the (24″ x 24″ brass) bird cage he had his own room.
In the room was his own futon.
He perched on top of the futon where he’d been whittling down the wood for a while and spent a lot of time under the futon on a blanket.


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Will Changing the Term “Cage” to “Home” Fix Our Bird’s Behavioral Problems?

Will Changing the Term “Cage” to “Home” Fix Our Bird’s Behavioral Problems?

 In a recent article in, Patricia Sund a “Pet Birds Expert”, states the case that the word “cage” is brutal, antiquated and out of date.

She feels bird cages should be called a “house” or “room”.She compares it to a child’s “playpen” because we never refer to a child’s playpen as a cage (even though the older wooden styles look like a cage) and she actually finds the words to be “a little offensive” and “harsh” terms for your pet bird’s home.

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How Bird Friendly Is Your Bird’s Cage?
How Bird Friendly Is Your Bird's Cage?

How Bird Friendly Is Your Bird’s Cage?

I make up words when it suits me – who doesn’t?

I no longer read books. I read the biggest dictionary I could find and now in my spare time I keep rearranging all the words into stories that I like in my head. To that end sometimes there’s just not enough words in the dictionary to explain every thought.

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Not Looking at Your Bird Holistically May Be Dangerous to Its Health

Not Looking at Your Bird Holistically May Be Dangerous to Its Health

How many times have you watched in awe as a flighted bird hops off the top of it’s cage – the “flap, flap, flap” then it lands on an inch wide piece of ceiling crown molding or a computer monitor and in bird speak says “what’s up?” Never giving a thought to that gravity thing that keeps the rest of us tethered to Mother Earth.

These are special creatures indeed.

Do we really give our birds enough credit for their ability to adapt?


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How Did Our Cockatiel’s Leg and Foot End Up in a Paper Cast?

How Did Our Cockatiel’s Leg and Foot End Up in a Paper Cast?

 Funny you should ask – file under life imitating art imitating life.

On the heels (<- pun) of last week’s blog entitled “How do birds sleep standing on one leg?” where we saw the most exceptional illustrations of how the flexor tendons in a birds leg act as an ingenious pulley system enabling a bird to firmly grasp a perch even while sleeping and in the case of birds of prey this system also aids in the killing of said prey.

Mother nature as usual was simple eloquent and right to the point. The question arose recently, for us, how do you shut down 50% of that system for maintenance? It’s been an interesting few days.


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Bird Cage Seed Guards – A Pet Bird Keepers Solution Or Problem?

Bird Cage Seed Guards – A Pet Bird Keepers Solution Or Problem?

I purchased a new cage for my severe macaw about a year ago and the seed guards are only 3 inches in width. Since she seems to like to hang on the side of the cage, and of course poops while there, the guard doesn’t catch it and we have a mess on the floor.

Could you recommend a particular cage approx? 20 deep x 24 wide with larger seed guards? thanks!



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Your Government Wants to Outlaw Your Pet Bird!

Your Government Wants to Outlaw Your Pet Bird!

We’ve all heard about all those government perks Swedes get – 97% of their healthcare is picked up by various Swedish taxing bodies (about 9% of Sweden’s costs for health and medical care amount to approximately 9 percent of Sweden’s gross domestic product GDP)

Stuff like 5 weeks paid vacation when you start a job, increasing with your length of tenure – 480 days of paid parental leave – it’s cold and dark and then sunny and perfect and all those beautiful women (although I’m reminded here in edit by Catherine that the beautiful women are not supplied by the government 🙁


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Accessories to Keep Your Bird Cage Area Cleaner That Actually Work. 

Accessories to Keep Your Bird Cage Area Cleaner That Actually Work. 

We’re going to start out with one of our favorite product lines that’s been solving birdcage cleanliness for more than a decade – Lixit water bottles.
Do you really need a water bottle? Birds being the messy creatures that they are will poop in their water dishes regardless of placement we think yes.
They spray food, poop, and other contaminants into their drinking water which carries bacteria that gets ingested by your bird causing mouth & throat infections. Think of the $200 vet bill….minimum. 


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This Cockatiel Gets a Bird Cage Makeover

This Cockatiel Gets a Bird Cage Makeover

Today we put a new Parrot Cup Cover in Popcorn’s cage as it popped into my head a bit ago that perhaps her repeated bacterial infections might be resulting from her pooping into her water.
We do not see her do it inside the cage, but we now see she tends to sit on top of the cage which is right above her water dish.
So a cover for the water was on my “birdie wish list”. I had thought about a water bottle but maybe later. This looked like a good start. (more…)

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