Windy City Parrot Videos- November 2016

Windy City Parrot Videos- November 2016

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My Parrots Love Eating Any Kind of Fruit or Juice, Nuts or Seeds, but Aren’t Interested in Any Other Kind of Food

My Parrots Love Eating Any Kind of Fruit or Juice, Nuts or Seeds, but Aren’t Interested in Any Other Kind of Food

My parrots love eating any kind of fruit or juice, nuts or seeds, but aren’t interested in any other kind of food I think is good for them. How can I change this?


My answer:




The problem is that’s not a balanced diet as they’re not getting enough protein.  I would advocate introducing a product like Lafeber’s Avi-cakes.

They are considered a sweet treat but they offer 100% nutrition to your bird because they contain a high percentage of pellets. The pellets are wrapped with seeds and nuts and fruit held together with molasses.

In addition to the Higgins Sunburst Cockatiel seed blend that our cockatiel Popcorn fed on regularly she goes through a package of Lafeber’s Classic Cockatiel Avi-cakes about every two weeks.


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My M2 Has a Problem and I Thought I’d Run It by You
Salmon-crested cockatoo Cacatua moluccensis is endemic to the Seram archipelago in eastern Indonesia

My M2 Has a Problem and I Thought I’d Run It by You

Hi Guys,

Love your newsletter!

My M2 (Moluccan cockatoo) has a problem and I thought I’d run it by you.

I’ve had birds all of my life, parakeets, cockatiels, amazons and this is my first ‘too. I got him as a baby and have had him for 10 years.

He seems very content as far as I can tell.

About 6 months ago he molted 3 feathers at the same time from his tail. The new ones sprouted, of course. But over the course of these six months, he continues to pick his tail skin raw.

I know M2’s are notorious for self-mutilation. I don’t think that’s the issue.


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Air Purifiers for Birds and Parrots – What Should I Look For?

Air Purifiers for Birds and Parrots – What Should I Look For?

Barry asks, Do you have any recommendations for air filters that are safe for my bird?
Hi Barry
Just make sure that it is sized appropriately for the room, house or apartment so it actually does what it’s supposed to do – remove dust and allergen particulate from the air we breathe at home.  (more…)

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Short Circuit From Love to Attack Behavior With My Rainbow Lory Recently

Short Circuit From Love to Attack Behavior With My Rainbow Lory Recently

Connie S wrote:

I looked at the anatomy of a bird’s brain that you had in a recent email.

I would like to know more about the portion that says: Short Circuit from love to attack behavior!

That is happening with my rainbow lory recently.

He is 18 years old and has suddenly started attacking my hand when I reach to have him climb on my finger.

Otherwise, he hangs out with me with no problem – when I’m sitting in a chair or lying on the bed. (more…)

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Quickie Rundown on Cockatiel Care Chapter & Verse
Woman hand holding a beautiful cockatiel bird isolated on a white background

Quickie Rundown on Cockatiel Care Chapter & Verse

Cockatiels are the smallest, actually a miniature Cockatoo, and is from Australia. The only bird more popular with caged bird keepers is a parakeet (budgie).


The Cockatiel is biologically classified as a genuine member of Cacatuidae because they share all of the Cockatoo family’s biological features. They are the only Cockatoo species which can sometimes reproduce by the time they are one year old.


The Cockatiel’s distinctive erectile crest expresses the animal’s state of being. The crest is dramatically vertical when the cockatiel is startled or excited, gently oblique in its neutral or relaxed state, and flattened close to the head when the animal is angry or defensive.



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Scientists Fundraise for Conures

Scientists Fundraise for Conures

Did you know the sun conure may be facing extinction in the wild, and you can help? There is a real need for more surveys to establish their status in nature. The 2014 estimates published on the IUCN database are between 1,000 and 1,499 mature birds. Some of the last known sun conures live in Guyana, a country with a small human population and a lot of forest and savannah grasslands.

The IUCN page mentions that the trade in wild conures is “ongoing” because “due to the ease with which birds can be attracted to bait (e.g. corn) and the large distances they will travel, it is easy to trap all the individuals in an area.” Quoted from Jamie Gilardi.


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My Conure Went to the Library and Won

My Conure Went to the Library and Won

Oh No! My Conure Went to the Library Alone and Won’t Come Home

Retrieving Escaped or Stolen Parrots: Part Three

A Surprise Flight Lets Mango Fly to the Library Trees and How He was Retrieved

I am a proponent of clipping wings. I know not everyone feels this way, but I’ve had a cockatiel break his neck flying into a mirror when a loud, unfamiliar noise outside frightened him and other bad experiences with flighted companion parrots.


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Is Winter Stressing Your Bird Out?

Is Winter Stressing Your Bird Out?

Birds have a highly developed sense of light. In humans, we perceive light through our eyes.
Our feathered friends have an additional way of interpreting light conditions, a special gland that surrounds the eye. Read more on this
As days get shorter and the temperature falls, we want you to be aware of some issues the changing weather may have on your birds.
In the wild, animals rely on the cycling of the sun, and the seasons to adjust their biological clocks and metabolism. It is the sun, and changes in the quality of light and length of the day which set the stage for breeding, migration, molting, and daily behavior patterns.


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