Do Expectations of Our Birds Set Us Up for Failure?

Do Expectations of Our Birds Set Us Up for Failure?

They warned me it was a slippery slope. A week away from my 62nd birthday I find myself a short white balding Jewish guy who’s become a “crazy bird person”.
Our apartment is 60 feet long and 30 feet wide or more in places.
In the morning I tend to domestic chores going in and out of rooms organizing, cleaning and while this is going on I have 95g of white feathers following me.
And if someone was looking through the window it would appear as though I was happily talking to myself because I’m carrying on a conversation with 95g of white feathers who happens to be in the same room wherever I am.

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First Prize Smart Crock Bird Cage Locking Food Dish 40 oz

First Prize Smart Crock Bird Cage Locking Food Dish 40 oz

 Are they acrylic? My b-g macaw ‘throws’ his ceramic dog bowls around on the floor of his cage!!! He also can untwist the twist bottom ones!!!! Need help desperately !!! Would they fit a macaw cage??? Joan
The big birds are tough sometimes.
These dishes may help. They come in several sizes, this is the largest one. 40 oz

First Prize Smart Crock Bird Cage Locking Food Dish 40 oz – Found Here

The Smart Crocks are guaranteed against damage with a registration card included with each crock.
I have just contacted the company and they state they are made of polystyrene/acrylic resin. We will add the material to our listings.


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3  EZ Peazy Birdcage Cleaning Tips

3 EZ Peazy Birdcage Cleaning Tips

We’re going to start out with one of our favorite product lines Lixit. Do you really need a water bottle? Birds being the messy creatures that they are will poop in their water dishes regardless of placement.
This means the stray food, the poop, and other contaminants which carry bacteria get ingested by your bird. One of the easiest ways to overcome these problems is to install a Lixit water bottle in your birdcage.
Lixit water bottles enable you to introduce water simply for bathing and avoid having to change your bird’s drinking water throughout the day in order to keep it clean.

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What Would It Be Like to Have a Large Parrot?
Dutch man holding red macaw on the arm outdoors

What Would It Be Like to Have a Large Parrot?

(Author Unknown)
Try this:
1.WASTEFUL.. Buy $30 worth of groceries and throw $24 worth in the trash as soon as you arrive home. Do this several times a month. Parrots require fresh food in addition to pellets (not seeds) and are wasteful eaters. If you can’t afford the wastefulness of a parrot, you can’t afford the parrot. 


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