What Causes Small Moths in a Home With Pet Birds?

What Causes Small Moths in a Home With Pet Birds?

Great question Ron,
So here’s the deal, birdseed is a natural product harvested from the ground outside. All bird seed contains bug eggs. They could be weevils, grain moths, and so forth. These eggs are present in all birdseed. If the bird food is not stored in a cool environment or it is not used in a timely fashion the eggs become larva and the larva become in your case, moths. 
If you keep your seed in a dry storage area it’s best to keep the food in a clear Tupperware type container so you can see any activity before you open the container daily. Also, it’s best to not buy more food than you can use in two to three months because that’s when insect infestation can become a problem. In the meantime, if it sounds like you are a candidate for our moth traps which are very effective you can find them here.


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Is Citris Bad for a Bird’s Diet?
Is Citris Bad for a Bird's Diet?

Is Citris Bad for a Bird’s Diet?

I have attached some charts for you to look at. You might want to study acid, alkaline, and the combination of neutral acid alkaline foods better as you make recommendations for feeding birds. If a human (and this should apply to birds) eats a mixture of foods that are acid and alkaline, and if more alkaline foods are introduced into the mixture than acid, the combination of the foods eaten tend toward neutral and this is healthy for the body.


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