Why Fans and Feathers Don’t Mix Even in the Cage
An African Grey Parrot sitting on top of his cage preening his wing feathers.

Why Fans and Feathers Don’t Mix Even in the Cage

 As summer slowly creeps back into our lives we find ourselves breaking out the box fans, reversing the direction on the ceiling fans, and putting air-conditioners back in the windows. Many people ask us how I do know if my bird’s comfortable temperature wise?
Simply stated – if you’re comfortable, you’re birds are comfortable.

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Help for a Yellow Head Parrot
Yellow headed parrot perched on a tree branch

Help for a Yellow Head Parrot

Good Day! I have a beautiful Yellow Head Parrot that has been with me since birth. we grew up together! My mom bought him,(Chico) When I was born, and according to my mother, he had just been born. I am now 56 years young, LOL!! 
He is very healthy and happy.
He is my little companion and I have just decided to remodel his cage and give him some more love, do something different.

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Is It Normal for an Indian Ringneck to Feed a Lovebird?

Is It Normal for an Indian Ringneck to Feed a Lovebird?

Do you know of anyone who makes cages for disabled birds? I’m looking for something probably made of plexiglass for a Congo. He/she is about 7 weeks old. Has a bad right leg. He is standing on his left & seems like he will perch. 

I’m going to be moving him into a plastic bucket that I can make perches for. If he learns to perch, I’ll be looking for a cage. It was an option to have the leg removed.


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Button Quails as Pets

Button Quails as Pets

Button Quails aka Chinese Painted Quails are an oft-overlooked aviary bird. They are classified as Galliformes which simply states, they’re ground-eating birds (like chickens, turkeys, peacocks, and pheasants). Button quails can fly but most of their time is on the ground and they even enjoy taking dust baths. They use the sand for grit as well which helps with digestion.

The State bird of California is a California Quail, the button Quail is about half the size and does not have had plume. Button Quails come in white, silver, reddish-brown, and even speckled colors.


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Hand-feeding Congo African Grey Babies
Hand-feeding Congo African Grey Babies

Hand-feeding Congo African Grey Babies

I have 3 adorable, baby Congo African Greys that I am hand-feeding. They are only 6 weeks old so I am accepting deposits. My babies are top quality, raised with the best of care and come with a 3 week written health guarantee.

Choosing a reputable breeder with whom you trust and feel comfortable with is as important as finding the perfect baby parrot. My knowledge, experience, accessibility and client commitment are what set me apart.


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